Just see the latest news and official announcement at the DPR:-
They launch a new 645D body with *interchangeable* digital *back*, which the Pentax 645D lacks, with 3 new AF lenses (jointly developed by Schneider, Phase One and Mamiya), priced cheaper than the Pentax (only at €4290 against what has been told for the targeted price of the Pentax 645D at £5000~6000) and the new camera and lenses will be available very soon, in Q4 2009. So, how could Pentax/Hoya compete, with their belated 645D and only one new lens announced so far, for the new cropped sensor??
I still recall my memory for what some Pentax fans told me that Pentax/Hoya was doing the right thing in entering a "new" marketing segment where there was little competition so as to avoid direct competition with Canon, Nikon and Sony in the 135 Full Frame DSLR market. So, I just wish to ask where on Earth there is and will be no competition? :-0