Today, my Blog has reached the One Million page-views milestone line and I think this is just an important event for me and my readers and the Internet Pentax user community as well.
In fact, in term of traffic volume on Pentax related stuff in the Internet, the traffic volume of my this Blog has already reached almost 1/4th of that of the Dpreview (DPR), as compared to the figures shown in their published stats page (see the stats about "Pentax" only - which is a minority anyway). So, I am now catching up with them (and the gap is being narrowed)! =V=
And in term of the site "popularity", mine is still the highest Alexa ranked unofficial Pentax dedicated site, amongst all the Pentax sites of different types, themes and natures (exclude forums but include all other information-sharing websites like the excellent K-mount knowledge base by Bojidar Dimitrov and those semi-official blogs like Ned's or Yvon's etc. (which I think Yvon's site is actually a commercial one as his books and related products are promoted and there are Ads whereas Ned's one is both semi-personal and semi-official)).
From viewing different site statistics with my Internet tools, I can see that there is a large population of "silent" readers at my site, in addition to some other frequent active users here (inclusive of a group of individual offensive brand fanboys). For those users who regular read and even have given your encouragement to me over these years, I would like to thank you again with this chance and I promise I shall continue/strive to do my best to research, report and express my honest opinions in the future (and continue to ignore those repeated attacks from those offensive fanboys although I will let them speak).
Read Also:-
RiceHigh's Pentax Blog - 500,000 Page-Views
RiceHigh's Pentax Blog - Two Years
RiceHigh's Pentax Blog - One Year
• News about Products and Latest Company Direction
• Summaries of Reported Problems and Potential Issues
• Technical Articles on Photographic Gear and Technologies
Monday, September 21, 2009
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RiceHigh's Pentax Blog - 1,000,000 Page-Views
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chillgreg · 809 weeks ago
RiceHigh 110p · 809 weeks ago
Real Engineer · 809 weeks ago
You have yet to retract or rebut the K7 SR issue as reported on your blog where you condemn the Pentax even though its performance is far better than the camera it was compared against. Even though the test was flawed it still showed how the Pentax was better yet you claim otherwise. You have not retracted your position even when it is pointed out that it is wrong. You ignore it instead.
How is that honest?
Hin Man · 809 weeks ago
I still consider your blog page valuable when there is a issue and solution to be shared but I REFUSE to subscribe to your blog as I found your unrelenting obsession in offering opinions biased with single individual goal in mind to undermine what Pentax offer. You measure your success by wrongly accusing Pentax for their quest to be a better company. You will never leave Pentax as you enjoy your ride of INFAMOUS popularity by playing the DEVIL role well known by Pentax community.
And the worst of your "so called" success in arriving 100K pageview has the consequence of misleading many of our not-so-well-informed potential users of Pentax. I ask all readers to consider what you have achieved in writing TRASHY and BASHFUL opinions with every single reported problems and negative opinion of Pentax. You would wake up at 3:00am and obsesses to get one more BAD article about Pentax. Yes, you are very successful in your own right. I can't argue with that. You have the most popular traffic in the Pentax community as we have issues and we love bashful thinking for entertainment. I can only ask the Pentax community to SAY NO to your biased blog and SAY NO to echoing of negative rumors and opinions that are biased to a single objective to undermining Pentax
I won't break my friendship with you, you strike me as one of impressive individual who had gone off to the wrong end of doing EVIL to others. Why don't you enjoy what you have with Pentax and Canon and spend time ON what is actually more valuable to you other than your PAGEVIEW count. Please spend your time that last a POSITIVE impact on others and your beloved ones. Do no evil and serve no evil and you feel better at the end of each day. And I guarantee you your success with 200K PAGEVIEWS are won with admirable aspiration from Hin, your 1 of 2 PF friends that you don't care. As of now, I can't wholeheartedly congratulation without STABBING you on your back. I have asked my good friends to SAY NO to RiceHigh.
Please feel free to break our friendship. I won't break it myself as I truly like you as an engineer, a great reporter and a special and unique friend in Hong Kong. I love Hong Kond and I love Macau even more as I was bornt in Macau. I love to visit you someday in the future to resolve our differences and we can even go out to shoot pictures together and share our whining or praises on camera brands. You know TONS more than I do and I have so much to learn from you.
Sincerely yours,
Your friend, your admirer, your enemy until you wake up,
Hin Man
RiceHigh 110p · 809 weeks ago
Well, as for the pageview count of my pages, I think it's 1,000K, i.e., One Million, instead of 100K or 200K something (which happened long time ago).
In fact, there is no good to me and any Pentaxian for me to "trash" Pentax, that's not my intention and please don't get me wrong. I suggest that you can read my first article in my blog, for Why This Blog?
p.s. Still like to hear that you treat me as a friend and so do me. :-) And please, don't make an "enemy" so easily. Life is already full of hatred! :-< Be forgiving and be open-minded..
Real Engineer · 809 weeks ago
You say RH is an Engineer.
Why does he disregard good engineering and associate himself with such obviously flawed analysis simply to bad mouth Pentax?
Did he work for Pentax and get fired?
Fill us in.
Inquiring minds want to know.
Hin Man · 809 weeks ago
RH is definitely a detailed engineer. And you can see his writings for a proof. He has valuable points in most of his posts but his opinions are biased and based on his sour relationship with Pentax expecting a PERFECT camera for 1/2 of the cost of other brand. He has expectations that runs from obnoxious to ridiculous and you can find his obsessions for perfections. A rare find for any engineer that I know. We all strike for perfection but we are NOT foolish enough to believe in perfection.
no false prophets · 809 weeks ago
I'm glad he does have a friend, he needs one....
For example of "good writing" see:
and all it takes is to look at this article;
So, in the perfect world of a spot-meter calibrated to ISO standard and pure gamma = 2.2 transform of perfectly linear data coming from the sensor, the neutral surface should render 101 RGB if exposed according to the spot-meter
and this statement by RH:
"This test pattern is in a 4:3 aspect ratio and is divided into 8 equal regions which contain a calibrated 18% mid-grey (128, 128 and 128 for the RGB pixel values)',
This is all it should take to have you realize he does not fully understand what he thinks he does.......
I think you should go in search of anther "guru". This one is false.......
Barbarosa · 809 weeks ago
Real Engineer · 809 weeks ago
I'm sorry but I concur with "no false prophets" regarding RH's engineering skills.
Even if he was the most skilled and knowledgeable engineer on the planet, if he ignores basic engineering techniques and analysis that makes him totally incompetent. Being a good engineer means not having a bias and striving to stay unbiased.
As for not calling him to correct his mistakes regularly, I also disagree.
While he continues to propagate false information when he knows it is false he should be called on it, regularly.
It is lying to readers and it should be pointed out so they are not mislead.
I cannot respect someone claiming to be doing me a favor by pointing out problems but lies straight to me about the problems.
There is an old saying that works here:
"Don't piss on my back and tell me its raining"
That is what RH is doing.