It is announced today, two of the latest news reports:-
Well, of course I like this camera but will NOT buy, coz' its not in K-mount and I have no money to buy it, neither! ;-D
If you have followed my Blog for longer, you may know that I like RED cameras, see:-

(Source: http://ricehigh.blogspot.com/2010/07/i-like-red-cameras-d.html)

(Source: http://ricehigh.blogspot.com/2009/10/red-k-x-is-delayed.html)
And also this may be related:-
(Source: http://www.imaging-resource.com/NEWS/1307126887.html)
Do the red colour of our glorious 645D is close enough to that cheapy entry level 1100D of Canon, which is also a limited edition anyway! ;->
Update (7-15): Minolta released a special edition of the Alpha 707si which is quite close to the 645D SE in the colour and pattern. And, even though the wooden boxes for the package look so alike! Of course, as we all know it now, after that, Minolta was closed down for the camera business! Oh, NO! ;-)

via http://forum.xitek.com/showthread.php?threadid=892144
WTF? · 713 weeks ago
No new lenses and a $10,000 price tag?
That shade of red is hideous!
Pentax is dead!
MFT · 713 weeks ago
Dissapointed · 713 weeks ago
Pentax is telling its 645D customers to use the old film lenses.
You're reading comprehension isn't good. :(
You aren't very bright, do you work for Hoya/Pentax?
MFT · 713 weeks ago
Guest · 713 weeks ago
kadajawi · 712 weeks ago
Alex · 712 weeks ago
"WTF", are you the one that's trolling on Photorumors, under "WTF is Pentax"?
About NEW lenses: aren't the D FA645 55mm f/2.8 and the D FA645 25mm f/4 NEW enough? Pentax will launch one NEW 645 lens per year: a short tele next year, followed by two zooms (wide and short tele) in 2013 and 2014. Hardly any reason to complain, as the OLD FAs are still here.
But the ones complaining wouldn't buy anyway.