(Body Only)

Well, the pictures speak for themselves! :-D Btw, do you think that it is efficient to carry 23% more weight on top of that's of the camera body just for the batteries? (And especially consider that the performance of that heavy NiMHs is not that good..)
LiFePO4 AA Batteries - Part 2.75: Charge / Discharge & Recharge Test
LiFePO4 AA Batteries - Part 2.5: More Voltage Measurements and Quick Comparison
LiFePO4 AA Batteries - Part 2: Unboxing
New Lithium Rechargable Battery Type in AA Format - LiFePO4
Giuseppe Savo · 695 weeks ago
I'm reading your post on LiFePO4 based batteries.
Well, what can I add?
Lithium Iron Phospate batteries are the batteries of the near future, for two reasons:
1. iron phosphate is much cheaper than cobalt or nickel-cobalt oxide, and less toxic
2. iron phosphate is much safer, working on a stable potential (about 3,4V against Li+/Li standard potential) for all the discharge time. Overvoltages are less probable, and the decomposition temperature is much higher than in the case of cobalt oxide
So, I think you found just the first of a a new class of lithium rechargeable batteries. I nthe future they will be more common.
Sorry for my terrible english! :)
P.S. if you look for scientific literature on lithium batteries in the last ten years, probably you'll find a lot of stuff on this cathodic material.
RiceHigh 110p · 695 weeks ago
Btw, the Energizer L91 uses FeS2 as the cathodic material. So, it seems that Iron is still the magic key here. The LiFeS2 discharge process cannot be reversed, nevertheless.