Well, the classic luxury FA* lenses could be used as the legs of a table for playing Chinese Mah-jong! :-o
Via Chinese Xitek Forum Here.
And then here is the White Pentax lens collection of that Pentax user/collector, who is in Taiwan:-

And then maybe most of his Pentax glass:-

Via Xitek Forum Here.
Now, I am knowing that I am really "not a Pentax user", in comparison with him! :-(
Previous Related:-
Super Pentax Lens Arsenal w/ Sample Photos (Nice~)
Canon and Nikon Luxury Lenses Group Battle! ;-D
Suedehead · 635 weeks ago
RiceHigh 110p · 635 weeks ago
Michael A. · 635 weeks ago
C. Shep · 634 weeks ago
sdfsd · 634 weeks ago
Susan · 627 weeks ago
i also have some freakin pentax lenses a SMC M 50/1.4 and Non SMC Pentax A 28-70/3.5-4.5;
it fits my Asahi Pentax ME and K1000;
Maybe everyone agree with me, if Pentax Collection don't have "Asahi" it must be a less awesome.
Or maybe you have a SMC-M 15mm or Nikkor 13mm; thats what really awesome,
so much teles are for low rate journalist who like to hide, he he he....
The Real Pentax dies so long ago, the one which can conquer Contax, Leica, and Nikon,
i'd like to see your collection if you got some,
i dont mind plastic, but if it mechanism similar with Swiss Watch like Real Pentax: The Asahi Pentax, then it was the real one, when you have one you'll think any Nikon F/Contax/LeicaM5/Olympus OM/Yashica/and all Nowadays Pro dSLR were have no Pride.
here link to those Real Pentax: http://www.aohc.it/