Web Analytics RiceHigh's Pentax Blog: Japanese Photoble Ricoh K-3 User Samples

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Japanese Photoble Ricoh K-3 User Samples

The big pool of samples is here, but I am really not impressed with the IQ of those real-life user samples. In particular, the colour rendition is completely terrible, I have to say, after inspected 10 pages and more! >:-(


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Uncle Vova's avatar

Uncle Vova · 589 weeks ago

Really nothing special.
Those photos show that camera is really not bad and even pretty good,
but there are no advantages in the IQ which could urge us to change any of three K-5xx models to the K-3.
Colors seem quite cold, but shooting raw and using custom WB will surely help. And it's just a first version of firmware. Moreover, colors are in the eyes of beholder, colors you don't like may appeal to someone else. I see them being neutral, so nothing wrong with that. I am used to edit my pictures after all...
1 reply · active 589 weeks ago
Dan Johnson's avatar

Dan Johnson · 589 weeks ago

It might be differant if I shot video, but I don't notice enough improvement over my K-5 let alone my K-5IIS for it to matter which one I use. Now I see why so many Pentaxians wait a year or two before they buy the best Ricoh can make, I'm just glad I finally got some valued opinions while I still have a week to return it.
Did you cut and past your comments from the K-20,K-7,K-5,K-5II,? I think you likes the K10, can't remember
1 reply · active 589 weeks ago
Rice, A post for Sony A7 and FA 31mm limited F1.8.
Unfortunately not quality pictures.
Guy with a K-5's avatar

Guy with a K-5 · 589 weeks ago

There doesn't seem to be anything wrong with these pictures. Colour is good, details are good, noise not visible on my screen (19 inch & uncalibrated).
What some of you have expected from a camera, miracle colours, onprecedented sharpness, noiseless pictures? The expectation seem to have become insanely high after so much waiting. It's just a camera, boys, not a lifesaving appliance from the gods of Photon. I like the extra detail this sensor is giving, because of the 50% higher MP count and the enhanced quality of the sensor. And also the expected improved AF sensor. And I also know I am just a photographer and that I should be frowned upon, but this is how a feel. For a good impression I need to use a K-3 for some time, and I am not planning to buy it until the initial price drops.
7 replies · active 589 weeks ago
davidmanze's avatar

davidmanze · 589 weeks ago

With every new camera the quality just gets worse and worse, eh Rice?
fullframenow's avatar

fullframenow · 589 weeks ago

The pictures are terrible. Who wants to see pictures of food? So cliche.

The reception of the new camera is bad because they refuse(d) to make the big step to full frame. End of story.

If they did FF, they won't have people like Guy with aK5 above waiting for lower prices. People like me and RiceHigh would buy it right away at any cost.

Where are the thanksgiving sales for the D600 and Canon6D?
5 replies · active 589 weeks ago
Using the "Ricoh K-3" instead of Pentax in the title is lame. I get you want to show us it's not a "true Pentax" having a Ricoh Branding, but try to write "the Asahi LX" for example. Sounds stupid, dosn't it? If you want to be precise, it's Ricoh Pentax K-3. If you want to shorten it, proper way is Pentax K-3.
It's amazing to me how many truly bad, or utterly mediocre photographers there are on the internet using very expensive premium equipment.

There are so many gearheads who think full frame will automatically make them genius professionals. For most of you it's just not going to happen. You keep switching cameras hoping technology will magically make you into something you're not. This is because the majority of fanboy wannabes have absolutely no talent. Bunch of suckers photographing action figures with expensive cameras!
7 replies · active 589 weeks ago
Actually low quality pictures. My K-3 gave me much better results.
This link (Photoble Uploader for PENTAX) will act as a bad advertisement.

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