Web Analytics RiceHigh's Pentax Blog: The Spotmatic Digital Concept is Adopted by Nikon! >:-(

Tuesday, November 05, 2013

The Spotmatic Digital Concept is Adopted by Nikon! >:-(

First read again this concept as previously proposed by a Pentaxian:


In fact, Sony has made it close with the A7/R and Nikon now has achieved that exactly with their new Df but unfortunately it is not a Pentax! >:-(

Like all the Pentax APS-C flagship, the FF Nikon Df is also weatherproof:

And, how much is that new Nikon retro-look 50/1.8G lens sold? It is about $250 for comparing the list prices at B&H (here and here). This lens does have a distance scale. For the same listed price, we can also get our DA50/1.8, which is just a pure "plastic wonder", however! :-o

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Uncle Vova's avatar

Uncle Vova · 592 weeks ago

This Nikon is the good looking and very expensive gadget. I like how it looks and maybe it will shooting perfectly, but I would prefer to have a Pentax FF camera in the Pentax K-3 body.
The retro design sometimes gives less advantages in shooting process then the modern ergonomical design.
In opposite to good looking camera I would choose the good shooting camera. ;-)
The design of the Pentax K-3 satisfies both criteria. Set a FF sensor into K-3 body! ;-)
5 replies · active 592 weeks ago

SNAPPERTIM · 592 weeks ago

Yet another full frame camera, I think by now even the most die hard user of APSC must now see that its doomed in the DSLR format, no point in talking about A mount Pentax, they need to bite the bullet and produce a full frame very soon.
Regards Snappertim
It will be a very good camera, I have no doubts about it. Looking at this Nikon on other sites I find this camera so ugly compared to the K-5 or K-3 but that's my own opinion of course and I don't mind someone else says it's great looking.
Another ff fantasy: a pentax me-d
The camera, sure, looks retro and cool. But what are advantages over modern designs? You are kidding??? This camera will be a pain to use. This is for sure, just seeing the layout and ergonomics. I fully agree with the initial reservations of dpreview:
As such, although I hate to say it: from a cold, hard practical point of view, I can't shake the feeling that the Df is a little bit... silly.
1 reply · active 592 weeks ago
Yes, looks retro, looks cool, but personally I won't pay $3000 for it.
pentaxk01's avatar

pentaxk01 · 592 weeks ago

i used to have pentax mz-5n for this retro style and shutter speed dial.
but in the end, i put it in a mode for shutter, and aperture ctrl as av mode only, never spin the shutter dial.
All Pentax needs to do is take the K-3 body, reshape the pentagram/flash array slightly, affix the old all-cap 'PENTAX' name on the front, replace the magnesium alloy with brass, and place a full frame sensor in it.

Include the wireless Flu Card, screen with focusing split prism, and battery holder. Come close to the specs of the D800 and sell that for $2600. A lot more worthwhile than the Df (which should be pronounced DuFF, as in 'duff, I just spent three grand on this thing and cannot even shoot video)
Plus - I really think the lock buttons are overdone on this dang thing. I really like how the K3 gives you the choice to lock, or not to lock…..
The omission of video probably was just a precaution in order not to undermine the original D4's sales. As seems to be the price-point if I think this through. The side-effect is that the interface as a concept didn't get convoluted by video-stuff. So we have in Nikon-land:
4 full-frame offerings: D4 > D800> Df > D610. The first two offer superior AF controls, all but the Df do video of some sort and no, you don't get a "free lunch". You want the AF-speed, you need to step-up from D610 and buy into D800 or D4. You want more controls and less bulk than D610 -> Df will cater to you - at a price.
I don't expect any further fullframe offerings from Nikon in the next 2 years other than the occasional re-fresh. Maybe a dedicated movie-camera in f-mount (either with a native mount or as an a7-clone/EVIL with adapter) as it seems to be the current trend to abuse DSLRs for capturing video however cumbersome that really is. Again: I'm not against video as a secondary function in a still-camera. It just should never be allowed to get in the way of good still-shooters' ergonomics!

There where after all People who spent more than 3 grand on each digital Leica without even getting live-view - I can understand where they are coming from. And again: the more Nikon Df cameras sell the better for everyone, even loyal Pentax users. Or do you think the K-3 could not be improved any further?
Morten Jørgensen's avatar

Morten Jørgensen · 592 weeks ago

no worry Rice, in the UK on amazon the pentax 50mm 1.8 sells for £119 nowadays :) that's a ultrasharp bargain! and half the size of the bulky "old" new Nikon wannabee :) cheers
The whole point of Df is that Nikon has so diversified its FF offer it becomes the most sophisticated in the market — period. There are camera performances and shapes and concepts to satisfy everyone.
Compared to it, even Pentax's proud APS-C seems to be stiff and unimaginative — only three current cameras, and two of them are just the same thing. So actually two cameras. And that's it — for the whole K-mount.
Dan Johnson's avatar

Dan Johnson · 592 weeks ago

I bought a K-1000 when it was a new model buy my K-5s feel better (form follows function), if I can pick which DSLR gets what image sensor a 20mp should do 10fps in a K-3, using the same batteries saves money, making the vertical grip, and other accessories work for a few models is good, microUSB-3 was long over-due and the new mother-board must be good for a few generations. I didn't expect Pentax to be the cheapest or Ricoh to be the best, if they continue to be one of the best values then my Full Frame DSLR will very likely be Pentax and or Ricoh not Retro.
I don't get the hype. It's a normal modern AF DSLR but with angular design. Not even close to the concept of a real digital spotmatic.
Nothing new here

Pentax did it first -> http://www.dpreview.com/files/news/5128489303/pen...

but as always Pentax is a goofball but a lovable one I'd admit. The rest are basically catching up with what Pentax was toying way back.

Like FF, mirrorless, retro look, etc..... oh well.... but like I said, a goofball.
My dead grandpa would love it, not me.
Dan Johnson's avatar

Dan Johnson · 592 weeks ago

I almost had a 50th. Anniversary Edition for my first DSLR, but my computer was too slow.
Bye the bye, my Silver K-3 Limited Edition just shipped from B&H, you may want to check your pre-order.
Never heard the 50th anniversary AP was for sale... EVER. Only a study model has been produced. Are you BS us or what? Correct me if I'm wrong with facts please.
Dan Johnson's avatar

Dan Johnson · 592 weeks ago

I tried to order an anniversary camera 6 years ago that looked like the one in Sam's link, what are you Gestapo or something!
1 reply · active 592 weeks ago
I'm not impressed by this camera at all. It has not only retro-looking but also retro specs. A camera with D4 sensor, D600/610 AF, no video and a single slot, which costs more than D610? C'mon, it's absolutely ridiculous. If you want a retro camera, just buy a used film camera. It's cheap and easy to use. This is Mr Goto's one-man-show.
1 reply · active 592 weeks ago
Dean Koontz's avatar

Dean Koontz · 592 weeks ago

Rice was ahead of his time. No doubt!

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