In fact, Sony has made it close with the A7/R and Nikon now has achieved that exactly with their new Df but unfortunately it is not a Pentax! >:-(

Like all the Pentax APS-C flagship, the FF Nikon Df is also weatherproof:

And, how much is that new Nikon retro-look 50/1.8G lens sold? It is about $250 for comparing the list prices at B&H (here and here). This lens does have a distance scale. For the same listed price, we can also get our DA50/1.8, which is just a pure "plastic wonder", however! :-o
Uncle Vova · 592 weeks ago
The retro design sometimes gives less advantages in shooting process then the modern ergonomical design.
In opposite to good looking camera I would choose the good shooting camera. ;-)
The design of the Pentax K-3 satisfies both criteria. Set a FF sensor into K-3 body! ;-)
SNAPPERTIM · 592 weeks ago
Regards Snappertim
Jac · 592 weeks ago
ebk · 592 weeks ago
foton · 592 weeks ago
As such, although I hate to say it: from a cold, hard practical point of view, I can't shake the feeling that the Df is a little bit... silly.
hys · 592 weeks ago
pentaxk01 · 592 weeks ago
but in the end, i put it in a mode for shutter, and aperture ctrl as av mode only, never spin the shutter dial.
daedbird · 592 weeks ago
Include the wireless Flu Card, screen with focusing split prism, and battery holder. Come close to the specs of the D800 and sell that for $2600. A lot more worthwhile than the Df (which should be pronounced DuFF, as in 'duff, I just spent three grand on this thing and cannot even shoot video)
daedbird · 592 weeks ago
Heiko · 592 weeks ago
4 full-frame offerings: D4 > D800> Df > D610. The first two offer superior AF controls, all but the Df do video of some sort and no, you don't get a "free lunch". You want the AF-speed, you need to step-up from D610 and buy into D800 or D4. You want more controls and less bulk than D610 -> Df will cater to you - at a price.
I don't expect any further fullframe offerings from Nikon in the next 2 years other than the occasional re-fresh. Maybe a dedicated movie-camera in f-mount (either with a native mount or as an a7-clone/EVIL with adapter) as it seems to be the current trend to abuse DSLRs for capturing video however cumbersome that really is. Again: I'm not against video as a secondary function in a still-camera. It just should never be allowed to get in the way of good still-shooters' ergonomics!
There where after all People who spent more than 3 grand on each digital Leica without even getting live-view - I can understand where they are coming from. And again: the more Nikon Df cameras sell the better for everyone, even loyal Pentax users. Or do you think the K-3 could not be improved any further?
Morten Jørgensen · 592 weeks ago
Bzrkd · 592 weeks ago
Compared to it, even Pentax's proud APS-C seems to be stiff and unimaginative — only three current cameras, and two of them are just the same thing. So actually two cameras. And that's it — for the whole K-mount.
Dan Johnson · 592 weeks ago
Bukaj · 592 weeks ago
Sam · 592 weeks ago
Pentax did it first ->
but as always Pentax is a goofball but a lovable one I'd admit. The rest are basically catching up with what Pentax was toying way back.
Like FF, mirrorless, retro look, etc..... oh well.... but like I said, a goofball.
Andrés · 592 weeks ago
Dan Johnson · 592 weeks ago
Bye the bye, my Silver K-3 Limited Edition just shipped from B&H, you may want to check your pre-order.
Jac · 592 weeks ago
Dan Johnson · 592 weeks ago
Azahs · 592 weeks ago
Dean Koontz · 592 weeks ago