Via Photo Rumors and Digicame Info (in Japanese)
I have zero interest in this lens by the way, I would rather choose the old FA20-35 F4 Full Frame lens which is still in production, which has a more preferable constant aperture option and is yet future proof, if and only if there will be a Pentax FF body to come! :-o
At the end of the day, for what I have to say, the red rings of those new HD Limiteds make me vomit, which make the "new" lenses felt and look like bastards! :-x
Kostas · 592 weeks ago
anunnaki · 592 weeks ago
Jac · 592 weeks ago
Heiko · 592 weeks ago
35/2 ff-lens in Germany doubled its price when it was officially superceded by plastic 35/2.4 - and does not feature quick-shift
35/2.4 lachs quick-shift as well as DOF-scale. For a standard prime that is an unforgivable omission!
35/2.8 ltd is a macro lens - I am not sure I need macro / and I would prefer something with weather sealing as my 1st standard prime! Also macro means: a more slowly-geared focus-ring / not ideal for all-purpose photography.
This 20..40mm ~ f/4 (let's call it that) would indeed make sense for me, if it features "wr"- weather protection or better. Would free me of lugging my 17-50 around when I do not intend to use 2.8 all the way. AND it complements any other DA-ltd lenses (I already own a 15/4 with the beautiful green ring) rather well for a compact, light-weight but high quality set-up! (49mm filter threads, shared amongst all relevant lenses: ideal for travel/landscape photography!). Handling 49mm filters is so much better than handling the bigger sizes like 77 or in my case: 67mm filters!
If the price is "right", I'm very interested!
Arn · 592 weeks ago
Why the hell should a 2.8-4 being is less preferable than a constant 4 ?
Dan Johnson · 592 weeks ago
Uncle Vova · 592 weeks ago
Bukaj · 592 weeks ago
Bukaj · 592 weeks ago
Jeff · 592 weeks ago
All the old farts here need to take a deep breath and try to adjust to to the new paradigm. Ricoh knows what they're doing.
Bob · 592 weeks ago
tipentax · 592 weeks ago
Chris · 592 weeks ago
Doesn't make the lens better or worse, does it?
Dan Johnson · 592 weeks ago
Klaus · 590 weeks ago
And: I like the new red ring - and it seems I'm not alone in this respect.
Mechanic · 590 weeks ago
By the way, very impressed with the new Pentax HD 55-300mm zoom - and for the chronic masturbators, the red ring looks classy! I look forward to it enhancing the 20-40mm zoom.
What an interesting lens awaits us! It will be a winner.