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Saturday, November 02, 2013

New HD Limited Zoom DA 20-40/2.8-4 Comes Very Soon

Via Photo Rumors and Digicame Info (in Japanese)

I have zero interest in this lens by the way, I would rather choose the old FA20-35 F4 Full Frame lens which is still in production, which has a more preferable constant aperture option and is yet future proof, if and only if there will be a Pentax FF body to come! :-o

At the end of the day, for what I have to say, the red rings of those new HD Limiteds make me vomit, which make the "new" lenses felt and look like bastards! :-x

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That's a one nice looking lens. But as usual the price for pentax lens will be sky high so it doesn't matter.
3 replies · active 592 weeks ago
Limited zoom with a limited speed. Whats the point of it?
Interesting lens. Can't wait to see test results.
I own Tamron 17-50 as my main standard-zoom. I held back until now on getting a standard-prime because of multiple reasons:
35/2 ff-lens in Germany doubled its price when it was officially superceded by plastic 35/2.4 - and does not feature quick-shift
35/2.4 lachs quick-shift as well as DOF-scale. For a standard prime that is an unforgivable omission!
35/2.8 ltd is a macro lens - I am not sure I need macro / and I would prefer something with weather sealing as my 1st standard prime! Also macro means: a more slowly-geared focus-ring / not ideal for all-purpose photography.

This 20..40mm ~ f/4 (let's call it that) would indeed make sense for me, if it features "wr"- weather protection or better. Would free me of lugging my 17-50 around when I do not intend to use 2.8 all the way. AND it complements any other DA-ltd lenses (I already own a 15/4 with the beautiful green ring) rather well for a compact, light-weight but high quality set-up! (49mm filter threads, shared amongst all relevant lenses: ideal for travel/landscape photography!). Handling 49mm filters is so much better than handling the bigger sizes like 77 or in my case: 67mm filters!

If the price is "right", I'm very interested!
"...I would rather choose the old FA20-35 F4 Full Frame lens which is still in production, which has a more preferable constant aperture option..."

Why the hell should a 2.8-4 being is less preferable than a constant 4 ?
8 replies · active 592 weeks ago
Dan Johnson's avatar

Dan Johnson · 592 weeks ago

I've been waiting so long for a new WR and/or DFA, now that I see the Limited Zoom, let alone that it isn't a combination of all 3, I'm embarrassed to admit I didn't buy Sigma's 18-35 F/1.8 (but it aint FF either), doesn't Pentax realize they have to be competitive!
Uncle Vova's avatar

Uncle Vova · 592 weeks ago

What does the word "Limited" mean when it is written on the body of a not fast lens?
5 replies · active 592 weeks ago
So much hate for a not yet released product, so much hate for the color of some colored ring on the front of the barrel. And hey, this is faster and have better reach than the old FA lens! With it's build quality and small size this lens will be great!
And do you know how are constant aperture zooms usually made? They are optically the same, but the aperture stops down a bit on the faster end when zooming. The optics could then be not-so-good "full open" on the wide end, because they are actually stopped down even when shooting at largest aperture...
1 reply · active 592 weeks ago
Wow that new lens looks extremely nice even with the red ring. I want to ask the complainers here, who makes metal lenses like this anymore!? I can't wait to see how it performs. I bet it's a killer lens. How can you complain until you see results?

All the old farts here need to take a deep breath and try to adjust to to the new paradigm. Ricoh knows what they're doing.
10 replies · active 592 weeks ago
Pentax colours have been black and red for years. It never made much sense to me to have the green ring on the lenses. The new red ring fits better with the Pentax theme.
1 reply · active 592 weeks ago
Yes, the green ring was just awful (typical 80's), now it's more classy.
Who in his right mind gives a f... on the color of the ring?
Doesn't make the lens better or worse, does it?
Dan Johnson's avatar

Dan Johnson · 592 weeks ago

As it was when photographers first used lenses for photography (Latin for "writing with light") you should stay a stop or two away from wide open and if you want nice Bokeh with a shallow DOF, remember the 1.5 lens factor doesn't apply to the DOF. The markings on the DOF scale are the same and at 40mm it's deep, when the results are in and you google for comparison before you buy (if you haven't saved enough going with an APS-C only lens) remember no mater which brand DSLR you have if you go with a variable aperture, original equipment manufacturer (OEM) works better with your DSLR than after-market brands!!!
You, Sir, are probably the biggest cry-baby ever on a continuous quest to make every new Pentax development look bad. No sane person would prefer the FA 20-35mm to the DA* 20-40mm because it "has a more preferable constant aperture option" - it has a constant F4 aperture! I'd rather have a F2.8 aperture at the wide end than a constant F4 aperture.

And: I like the new red ring - and it seems I'm not alone in this respect.
Some of the comments exhibited here (Uncle Vova, anunnaki, Arn) are from weak individuals; seriously, as I write this comment, it is 20th November 2013, the lens is yet to be released.

By the way, very impressed with the new Pentax HD 55-300mm zoom - and for the chronic masturbators, the red ring looks classy! I look forward to it enhancing the 20-40mm zoom.

What an interesting lens awaits us! It will be a winner.
1 reply · active 590 weeks ago

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