Web Analytics RiceHigh's Pentax Blog: New Ricoh in-lens SR Lens Patents

Monday, November 18, 2013

New Ricoh in-lens SR Lens Patents

http://egami.blog.so-net.ne.jp/2013-11-16 (in Jaoanese)

Well, there is a 135 Full Frame lens, for that 60mm Macro! The sad thing is that there is no Pentax anymore, the name "Pentax" seems to have disappeared from now on and forever! :-/

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Andrew Munster's avatar

Andrew Munster · 590 weeks ago

Pentax has been brand not a company
2 replies · active 590 weeks ago
Dan Johnson's avatar

Dan Johnson · 590 weeks ago

I wonder if Ricoh knows they'll have to wait a while to recoupe their R&D investment, Fan-Boys won't buy these until they're on clearance sale.
P. S.
I like my Schneider, Zeiss, and Hartbleu lenses, I just wish they were made in Germany.
P. S. S.
It looks like I'll be buying a Korean made Samsung NXF-1, FF-EVF w/back-light CMOS.
Dan Johnson's avatar

Dan Johnson · 590 weeks ago

Let me rephrase that for you Ricoh Fan-Boys (with opposable thumbs down), I've given up hope for Pentax and won't blindly pledge an allegiance to Ricoh (like so many cattle following the herd) but IF Pentax/Ricoh proves they have a good value product, that's what I want when I want it, I can end my search before 2014, other than that I'm anticipating "from PhotoKina 2014 wicked things things this way come" Repose!
3 replies · active 590 weeks ago
Barbarosa's avatar

Barbarosa · 590 weeks ago

I don't get this BS about Ricoh/Pentax, I just want body that accept with full features my K-mount lenses period.
And for me personaly Ricoh is ok brand, no better or worse than samsung, producer of everything or sony hi-fi equipment manufacturer.
New world order's avatar

New world order · 590 weeks ago

never mind is Pentax name is gone, since is it has become an arrogant fanboy club. .. Most important Is it is K mount.. For better will the fullframebis baptised with the Richo name.
Barbarosa's avatar

Barbarosa · 590 weeks ago

canon, ricoh, now just need to see xerox cameras on market.
maybe xerox will buy nikon
1 reply · active 590 weeks ago
What'sAMatterU.'s avatar

What'sAMatterU. · 590 weeks ago

I mentioned Samsung because they are releasing a lot of new DSLRs very soon, why not buy with my eyes wide open!
Just got a Ricoh Theta today……It seems really each to use. My only problem is that in order to not be tied to their website, I have to buy software to turn this into a flash tour…..
Trading name cannot register a patent. Only a holding company can.
Same thing was during the Hoya; all coatings developed then and used now were patented internationally not using Pentax's name, but Hoya's.
On that same note, during the last three years I didn't read a post here that was positive about Pentax in some way. For goodness sake Rice, if you have spent those three years studying the law, for example, maybe you'd learn a thing or two about patent applications and wrote a few more positive posts?
5 replies · active 590 weeks ago
What'sAMatterU.'s avatar

What'sAMatterU. · 590 weeks ago

It's obvious Liars and toadies have hi-jacked this site, why make demands of the owner. Pretending to be a lawyer doesn't go over good with people and uneducated Fan-Boys can't make educated guesses. Instead of adding to the fray (and being kicked off) you should take your own advice so the majority of readers can enjoy your post when reading a thread, as usual at least a day goes by and all you've used your opposable thumbs for is to thumbs down others and thumbs up your selves.
P. S.
I have a Pentax 100mm WR Macro because it's weather resistant and 100mm, if someone would post some of the mechanical aspects of these lenses most readers would appreciate it.
9 replies · active 589 weeks ago
Ricoh bought Pentax from Hoya.

Hoya wanted to get and will improve the Pentax medical systems.
Ricoh wanted to get and will improve the Pentax imaging systems.

Ricoh has a very good reputation in Europe.

The independent Oekom Research AG recorded Ricoh repeated as an environmentally-friendly company in the information technology.

Google-Translation from http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ricoh : "Ricoh was the first company worldwide which received the permission from the Federal Institute for Materials Testing to test products in its own laboratories according to the environmental standard Blauer Engel". http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blue_Angel_(certific...

What is your goal with this Ricoh-bashing?

3 replies · active 590 weeks ago
Dan Johnson's avatar

Dan Johnson · 590 weeks ago

Now let's get back to the main issue, what about those macros (35mm,60mm,90mm) for (cropped, full frame, and medium format) anyone have any input?
Is it an option that RICOH/PENTAX/TAMRON/TOKINA rebadges the new TAMRON 150-600 into HD DA PENTAX 150-600 ED DC WR 5 - 6.3. Can someone tell this to the RICOH guys? My TAMRON 70-300 is very very cheap but very very very good/sharp on K5. With the new-coming RICOH/PENTAX Fullframe Photokina 2014 and the existing APS-C beast K3 we have everything we need. Penta is just five, it is history, a name from ZEISS (CONTAX D or S) the inspired future is RICOH (note: I am a very very very very big PENTAX fan, I was, I am and I will be). K5IIS, future buyer PENTAX K3 (indeed with the small RICOH badge).
20 replies · active 589 weeks ago
New world order's avatar

New world order · 590 weeks ago

M mount???? New GXR
Dan Johnson's avatar

Dan Johnson · 590 weeks ago

If someone wants a Pentax K-3 Premium Silver Edition go to B&H @

They sent me an eMail saying they had some in stock, it comes with the vertical grip, both battery holders, and a 2nd. Battery, as well as the SanDisk Extreme 32GB SDHC. You can also get a good microUSB-3 cable @
2 replies · active 590 weeks ago
I can see why it's hard to get a Sony A7 or A7R right now, but if someone wants a Pentax K-3 Premium Silver Edition we don't mind and thear's a link to help them at their last chance. B&H was saying it's not in stock but since they sent me the eMail I've been able to put it in My Cart (I heard it may happen with some stores) so in the hopes of helping Fellow Pentaxians who want a good deal on the camera they like it's posted. I already have my silver Pentax K-3 but haven't ordered my Sony A-7 for work.
Photography has always been in the DNA of Ricoh (they've even used the K mount for their SLR !). Ricoh produces for decades photo products with losses and losses. Now Ricoh will never sell Pentax again, we will have Pentax bodies for ever ! Rice, you should sing alleluia !!
4 replies · active 590 weeks ago
Dan Johnson's avatar

Dan Johnson · 590 weeks ago

Every time the web-site owner (RiceHigh) post a thread it's like someone dropped an egg in a hen house, you cackling hens shouldn't make demands of him while never posting anything about how the lenses perform!
Why don't you try to pre-order these "only existing on paper" lenses. Can you tell us how they perform, you're good at that PRO.
Dan Johnson's avatar

Dan Johnson · 589 weeks ago

Hey Pop, the 60mm Macro sounds like an interesting subject, hopefully it's WR and has the new silent focus maybe evan a focus limiter, it should give people an less expensive way to try their hand at Macro-Photography (much like a 50mm compared to a 100mm) and you can use it on a FF-DSLR. If you have a Canon Full Frame DSLR and a cropped DSLR you can use it like a 60mm and a 90mm (like rice could) but many people with a FF-DSLR have a DSLR with a cropped sensor too.
I don't read Japanese but anyone can write something about the lenses, thanks for the invite Pop.
1 reply · active 589 weeks ago
no photokina waiting's avatar

no photokina waiting · 589 weeks ago

Photokina 2014? Really!?! Read Falk Lumo's blog for 2010 and 2012 where he is wrong each time.

Are we expected to wait that long again? Only thing stopping from switching is the lack of sales on the Canon6D. Where's the Thanksgiving sales?

K3Silver sales must be lackluster if they haven't sold out already. It look like cheap plastic color to me so I'm not surprised.
2 replies · active 589 weeks ago
Look at boring PF news and rumors right now. Love it or hate it, this blog is where the action is!
5 replies · active 589 weeks ago
got you.

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