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Sunday, November 03, 2013

K-3 + HD DA15 and 35 Full Samples

(in Japanese)

I am not impressed with neither the colour rendition nor the image resolution btw.

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Blame JPEG engine.
mediocre. I think it's better to go with the Samyang/Rokinon 14mm + Sony A7.

K3 + 15mm=$1300 + $700 = $2000
A7 + 14mm rokinon = $1700 + $340 = $2040

Now tell me I am crazy.
5 replies · active 592 weeks ago
How can you understand the resolution of 24 MP camera with 1.3 MP photos?
Capture One 7 doesn't support K-3's RAW yet. That's why any colour verdict is nonsense.

JPEF full size photos are made in low light. Nothing to say about colours.
JPEG of Pentax was always so-so.

Your position is position of philistine
I don't know to me they look quite promissing.
Can't wait to get my hand on some DNG's
1 reply · active 592 weeks ago
Dan Johnson's avatar

Dan Johnson · 592 weeks ago

To borrow the term (bottle-neck) from the computer industry, the resolution of Full Frame Image Sensors is useually limited to 30mp or 32mp evan by great glass and APS-C size Image Sensors are useually limited to 20mp this creates a bottle-neck for 36mp FF-DSLRs and 24mp APS-C size DSLRs. My lenses are all Based on Full Frame (43mm or larger Image Circle) which increases the sweet spot a bit and a few of them go for 2 or 3 grand, I'm not buying a lens for $4,000+ that won't show a good return on my investment, if your willing to make consesions to own a DSLR that creates a bottle-neck at the best lens you'll ever buy then continue with the Pixel Wars (as a selling feature) but I've reached my limit and I'm more reluctant to buy a 36mp FF-DSLR than a great 24mp APS-C size DSLR.
Now let's see just how good this DSLR really is while I can still cancel the pre-order for my silver K-3
If you do not like the colors of the K-3, how about Nikon D600? One page provides comparison: http://www.digitalcamerareview.com/default.asp?ne...
They state: In almost every shot, the Pentax K-3 had much better color quality than the Nikon D600. Also, the Pentax K-3 did a much better job of auto selecting the appropriate shutter speed while having the camera set to aperture priority. The Pentax K-3 also did a better job of rendering a more pleasing contrast in a variety of situations. Finally, the image sharpness was visibly more appealing in the Pentax K-3 than the Nikon D600.
Judging from the samples on that page, I fully agree with them. Pentax looks way better!
1 reply · active 592 weeks ago
fullframes's avatar

fullframes · 592 weeks ago

Unless you are shooting Leica or a sideline professional football photographer, you shouldn't be buying any lens for 4000 on any system. The acclaimed 35f1.4 from Canon can be had for under 1500 new.
3 replies · active 592 weeks ago
Guy with a K5's avatar

Guy with a K5 · 592 weeks ago

I noticed in the pictures with the river and the high rise buildings that the buildings had a magenta and green lining. Some buildings have that on purpose but I doubt that half the buildings in this city have this architectonic artefact. I have never seen it this strong. At first I thought the architect had put neon lights on the building, but later I saw it occur at almost every vertical line with light and dark planes.
So what is it: something we have to fear for or just something that can be ignored. And do other camera's have this artefact at this level as well?
1 reply · active 592 weeks ago
Dan Johnson's avatar

Dan Johnson · 592 weeks ago

People shouldn't get caught up in the Pixel Wars when buying a DSLR, this Canon 35mm f/1.4 would work for me and I've been been looking at the Sigma Art Series 35mm f/1.4 in K-Mount. If I have a DSLR that will use the resolving power of my lenses, I'm not going to make sacrifices to have more megapixels than I can use.

There, colors are catastrophic much worse than the original K5. You can also see the strong CA at the tree edges.

I just see with my eyes. Facts are facts.
4 replies · active 592 weeks ago
Thank You Rice for links.
I am sorry but I am non much happy about these photos.
I looked them few times. I was hoping for more.
Please look at the sample images from Imaging Resource (previous links)
The pattern disappeared at higher iso in red cloth in a circle cloths. First I thought that cloth exchanged.
However, pattern is visible at ISO 100. So the pattern should be - but in high iso details disapeared. I understand noises, but what about details? - it is 24 MB sensor.
In my opinion K-5 is better.

The conclusion is one:
It is impossible make it better from the sensor APSC than already achieved .
All APSC make similar level of quality now. I copmpared many cameras.
We don't have any significant changes in the quality of the APSC for the last four years.
I am not fan FF but for better quality - time for FF ....

Best Regards
Who needs a camera grip with a K-3 anyway?
The reviewer is obviously not a very good photographer. His picture composition reminds me of the typical iPhone-shooter. So who tells us he is using the right settings for the pictures?
This is not a review, but a picture gallery.
I do not want to sound optimist, but those seems to me bad compressed jpg images
It seems that these pictures are made by somebody from the canikon teem.
They look soft to me maybe part down to camera jpegs, still these are quite poor
On another note: couldn't the softness be a function of simple user-error, as well? Talking about focus set to infinity instead of the optimal hyper-focal distance and what about distortion-correction? (my ff-exif add-on won't tell me if that's switched on)

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