(Source: DC Home)

(Source: PF)
Well, I didn't mind support either Pentax or Ricoh branded product, which I bought both actually for years, see below:

(Source: My Blog)
However, raping Pentax the brand and mixing both into a bastard with a BIG RICOH leading head and a small Pentax tail is really rather disgusting. The RICOH heads at Japan have really no clue for what they have been doing marketing wise but just knew to declare their Sovereignty once and once again with an intention to diminish Pentax the name step by step which in turn actually has caused much damages to both brands! >:-[
Btw, I will not buy any of those RICOH Pentax bastard products anymore, unless some days later they correct this very wrong act of theirs and respect Pentax the valuable brand again, at least! (But which is unlike to happen!)
A Ricoh K-3 Could Look Better! :-o
New Product Images of the "Ricoh" K-3 and A "New" Red Ring DA HD 55-300 WR Lens
Ricoh has Changed the Serial Numbering of the New FA Limited Lenses
Do They Know What They Are Talking About?! >:-[
Yoku · 592 weeks ago
And to say honest, the word Pentax was in the name of company for just several year before.
MoveToSony · 592 weeks ago
Chad · 592 weeks ago
We all love the name "Pentax", but be thankful... Ricoh is there saving Pentax. Give Ricoh a credit. They just wanted to be noticed along with Pentax...
I think you need a bottle of beer or something, set your camera on a tripod, shoot, then sit and relax in front of a beautiful sunset...
Jac · 592 weeks ago
Later on Asahi Optical Co. was renamed Pentax Corporation and the cameras (from ME Super on) were just named Pentax. Still nobody complained.
Hoya left everything as it was except the label on the bottom of the camera.
Now Ricoh owns Pentax Imaging Division things have changed. Ricoh took only a part of Pentax.
There still is a Pentax Medical Company owned by Hoya.
To take out the confusion of both Pentax company names in industry Ricoh decided to change the company name to Ricoh Imaging. Nothing wrong with that, but I am glad the name Pentax is still on the DSLR cameras.
As for the boxes, there are stickers if one hates the name Ricoh and black tape for the back of the K-3. ;-)
Complainers… please grow up and start making photos instead of complaining about a name.
Chris · 592 weeks ago
Uncle Vova · 592 weeks ago
Ricoh - the packer of Pentax. ;-)
daedbird · 592 weeks ago
Not sure for the rest of the globe, but it seems like both Pentax and even the Optio nameplates have more cache than Ricoh. Then again, would never imagine Casio is still a top seller of cameras either. To me, Branding every camera under Pentax, than under Ricoh makes sense. Pentax has much more name recognition. I really think a lineup under the Pentax name would be great:
K line - dSLRs, with a FF in 2014
Optio - consumer all-in-ones (maybe with WG line, or separate that out for branding)
GR - mirrorless, different. Contains switchable modules for mounts, as well as high-end optics that compete with Sony's Rx series. Absorbs MX1
645 - Medium format, adds 4K cinema line
Q - Needs to shoehorn largest possible sensor into that thing….
When Sony took over Minolta, it made sense to slap Sony's name on everything. 1. Sony has much more name recognition in consumer electronics. 2. The Minolta name was living on with different Konica-Minolta products for commercial use.
I really think the Sony-Minolta scenario should be a warning sign for Ricoh in another way - when you you try to merge brands (Konica-Minolta feels very similar to the new Ricoh Pentax mashup) two names on a product can devalue the brand. Another thought - Sony had a real history with digital cameras before Minolta - how many people used a Mavica sometime in their life? While beloved by their users, a lot fewer people ever touched a Ricoh K-mount camera or a GR than have used a K1000, let alone any M, K, SF, etc camera. In consumer photography, Pentax is the bigger name, and diluting that causes more harm than good.
"Oh, I used a Ricoh copier once, I really want to see what they can do with a camera"
twil · 592 weeks ago
1. Ricoh bought Pentax - probably when no one else was interested
2. Ricoh has good intentions for the future of Pentax -in a corporate environment, that is saying something
3. Ricoh invested to bring out the K3 - what looks to be the best aspc camera so far - something most Pentaxians are proud of.
4. Ricoh's name on the box means that Ricoh believes in the future of Pentax - I would be more concerned if Ricoh did not associate itself with Pentax at all. That would suggest Pentax has a limited future.
5. Ricoh is a profitable company - very important for longevity and brand respect.
So - forgive me if I put a marketing spin on it. Putting Ricoh on the camera and box means the important PENTAX brand now has balls and the intentions to back it up. Personally, I would still prefer that the PENTAX name be the more prominent on the box and products - but that is not worth getting upset over. I do not recall Ricoh being made prominent on the products themselves - so for now, PENTAX is still on the lenses and cameras.
Also, after going to a local camera show, I got to play with those silver limited lenses with the red rings. And you know what, they look really cool - the metal silver construction with the red ring is really fun to handle and use. Nobody has silver metal lenses with red rings - image is so very important. Especially as I noticed that this local show had 40% females - more than any other previous years shows.
Johnny · 592 weeks ago
Dan Johnson · 592 weeks ago
Bukaj · 592 weeks ago
John · 592 weeks ago
foton · 592 weeks ago
Toet-SFX · 592 weeks ago
Russ G. · 592 weeks ago
I care more about the label on the camera body, than what is written on the box. Pentax is still prominent on the front of the Camera for all to see, as I carry it around.
In some ways, it is reassuring to see that Ricoh put their reputation on the line by adding their name to the box. It shows a commitment to make Pentax DSLRs something they will be proud to be associated with in the future.
PentaxianNumeroUno · 592 weeks ago
Anonimity is Great · 592 weeks ago
Sony camera do mundo · 592 weeks ago
Asahi · 592 weeks ago
Just a reader · 592 weeks ago
zosX · 592 weeks ago
Furthermore, complaining about the design of a fucking box? Are you kidding me? Are you like running out of things to bitch about or what? What's next? The font in their manuals?
Oh no! Ricoh put their name on the box! Pentax is doooooooomed!
ps I too hated much of this change initially but I like what Ricoh is doing now that I see the K-3. I think they have done very good for pentax even if you don't like the red ring. I like the pentax red color personally and I think it fits the pentax brand more to use red since that is their traditional logo color, but I guess for some green is somehow better because it reminds them less of canon.
Dan Johnson · 592 weeks ago
Arn · 592 weeks ago
tipentax · 592 weeks ago
Stevo · 592 weeks ago
Maybe you could atone by changing one letter in the URL: http://ricohigh.blogspot.com :)