Via: http://www.ricoh-imaging.co.jp/japan/products/q7/lenses/index.html
In short, the following are the specs:
- 3.8-5.9mm, 35mm equivalent on Q7 is 17.5-27mm
- Maximum apertures from F3.7 to F4
- 3 glass-molded aspherical elements
- 38mm in length and 75g in weight
Real · 593 weeks ago
K-x · 593 weeks ago
Heiko · 593 weeks ago
Now, what the next Q camera needs is a viewfinder. Even if Pentax does it with a cheap see-through window (cheap would actually fit the package well) maybe with manually "switch-able" frame-lines for the prime-lenses...
Dan Johnson · 593 weeks ago
Heiko · 593 weeks ago
On film every P&S had to have one. Such a finder would be enough for me. I've got an idea: put some framelines onto an strech of sliding windows // as to slide in the fitting frame lines into the finder as needed for the attached lens. Make two "screens" have about 2..3 different frame lines and one without any markings, let the user slide the screen of choice into the see-through finder and GO!
Cheap, easy, and out of everyones way when shooting real photos.
Where are the chaps from the patent-office when I need'em ;-)