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Friday, November 29, 2013

Excellent Pentax Film Glass Revived Finally!

The link sources of the above gear images with various photo samples are listed below. In particular, the potential of the three excellent FA Limited lenses are fully released and they are now revived for makng photos as what they were original designed and why they were born! Both A7 and A7R are used for making those photos, of which the long-awaited hungry and eager old Pentaxians have rushed to buy, at all costs and at the first time!! >:-o

FA31 Ltd on A7:

The three FA Limited on A7:


FA20 and FA31 Ltd on A7R:

FA18-35 on A7:

Indeed, the most valuable thing for the A7/R for adapting those old K-mount film glass is that it is just so easy and direct. There is no modification of any to the lens is required! And with Sony's original MF focus peaking function, MF operation is actually quick, easy and accurate!

Update (11-30): Wow, even the old cheapo SMC-M 50mm F1.7 glass can produce images with IQ like that! See:


This is really the FF Magic! AoV is absolutely correct and no resolution is lost (owing to cropping)! All old lenses are performing as what they were designed, even for a lens that was produced half a century ago!!

Related - My K-mount Lens FF Adapts:

This is What the Limited Lenses Should be Put Onto!

DIY: Adapting the Pentax FA*85/1.4 onto the Cantax K-5D Mark III

Sample Photos of Full Frame Fisheye and 43 Limited on 5D

Some Sample Photos with FAJ 18-35 on 5D (Full Frame)

Compatibility List of Some Pentax Full Frame Lenses on Canon 5D Body

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good for you!

and actually this shows the right way to go for any mirrorless Bayer-sensor-camera:
just adapt capable SLR-glass - don't worry about the problems those Leica-M-cheapskates (those without a true Leica digital body) have and just be happy, again!

Case in point for an improved Pentax k-mount mirrorless, as well!
UsedtobuyPentax's avatar

UsedtobuyPentax · 589 weeks ago

I must thank Pentax for introducing me to the bigger camera and for their wonderful full frame lenses. But it's time to move on.

The ability to use pretty much any lens on a single full frame body with stunning sensor is too much to resist. Pentax FA Limiteds (I have, 31, 77), K f1.2 (have) and the ability to use Contax G, Leica M, Minolta, Konica Hexanon, Nikkor, Canon, M42 screw mount (many) . . . I can understand why Sony's done it, they want to shift electronics and shift they will now.

A real masterstroke in my opinion. I have little doubt Nikon and Canon DSLR users are thinking the same thing right now.
3 replies · active 589 weeks ago
Thank you jesus! Sony NEX has been my second system for years and I look forward to full frame a7. Sony has visionary R&D. Ricoh is creaky conservative and needs to step up NOW.

I will always be a Pentaxian but FF legacy lenses only.
2 replies · active 589 weeks ago
All we need is a good autofocus adapter and Ricoh/Pentax will be done for.
4 replies · active 589 weeks ago
Looking at the provided samples, it's very hard to find any benefits of FF in comparison to APC-C. Then what was the point to want FF if shooting like this (no 3D effects, no extra-low light shooting, etc.)?
6 replies · active 588 weeks ago
typical APSC poster's avatar

typical APSC poster · 589 weeks ago

What are these FA lenses? They look quite compact. I was told I need a sherpa to use a full frame system!
3 replies · active 589 weeks ago
A part of Ron Scheffler’s report about using Leica M-lenses on Sony A7:
"I’ll spill the beans now – none of the rangefinder lenses performed as well on the A7 as they do on the M9, specifically referring to image smearing into the edges/corners. Some are not so bad and are good enough when stopped down sufficiently, but some are outright horrible (ZM21, 28 Cron), to the point where one would think the lens was defective."
1 reply · active 589 weeks ago
pentaxfools's avatar

pentaxfools · 589 weeks ago

I'm happy! I hope my pre-ordered A7r ships on the first! I just got back from a trip to the eastern Sierras and wished everyday I had the A7r rather then the hobbled pentax bodies I was using. Ended up a waste to shoot the Pentax bodies.
10 replies · active 589 weeks ago
pentaxfools 's avatar

pentaxfools · 589 weeks ago

Rice keep educating those that continue to show blind loyalty to a camera producer. I hate folks that show a blind loyalty to anything or anyone. It destroys the need to progress. Those folks enable Pentax to become a loser in their own game...... It's like buying a camera using vengeance and your private parts instead of using your brain. Fools do this in all aspects of their lives.....
3 replies · active 589 weeks ago
pentaxfools 's avatar

pentaxfools · 589 weeks ago

I hope Sony forums dot com is not a bunch of fools with closed minds marching in lockstep.....
3 replies · active 588 weeks ago
pentaxfools 's avatar

pentaxfools · 589 weeks ago

Does pentax pay you to post dribble? The A7r is eating Pentax's lunch. The k3 is a POS at the get go, nothing to see just keep moving... Sony provides a way to shoot the only great lenses pentax has produced which are all full frame lenses, none are DA. Stick your head back into the sand and shoot that apcc apsc apcs or whatever.
13 replies · active 588 weeks ago
pentaxfools 's avatar

pentaxfools · 589 weeks ago

What a shame Pentax did not produce this camera. But on the bright side we can expect innovation from Sony going forward, Pentax not so much. In the end I think it is best that Sony showed innovation to produce the A7r. Innovation is Sony's forte. Pentax's forte at least since the turn of the century has been mundane or odd..... The k3 is more like a k5iii in performance, who would pay such a high price for old tech?
1 reply · active 589 weeks ago
"I have to go quick for some shootting, hey I forgot tha k adapter... hey I forgot MD adapter... hey I forgot the tripod for slow shutter pictures.... hey I forgot my flash... Ah and plastic bag if it´s raining... oh no is in the beach(sand) 8(... mmhhh I have to get a bigger case for this new amazing crippled system... thankyou sony I´m so smarts.
5 replies · active 588 weeks ago
Very silly. Piano with trumpet!
Dan Johnson's avatar

Dan Johnson · 589 weeks ago

If Pentax comes out with a 16mp Full Frame DSLR that works like I want with my wide-angle lenses I'll use the money from my 24mp K-3 for it. Competition is usually a driving force in R&D and for that I must thank Sony for giving me an option to put K-Mount lenses on, maybe someday all of us will be allowed to use any lens on any camera.
Dan Johnson's avatar

Dan Johnson · 589 weeks ago

P. S.
I heard Sony would release this image sensor, then shortly afterward we'll see the Non-Bayer Organic Back-Light image sensor Panasonic's been working on with Fugi in full frame as well as 4/3 format.
I cannot belive how "important" it is for some people to worry about few milimeters on their sensor. APS-C is a good enough format, and if you want to use your old film lenses to their fullest, use film, I do and I am happy with results - both from my APS-C and 35mm slrs. I would like (!) to have a FF digital, but feel no urge to rage about it on internet or paying ridiculous amounts of money. Simply, there is no real need for it. Maybe in future, I will buy one, maybe even a Sony (or a Pentax, let's wait for its FF...), but to cry for a small piece of silicon? No way:-D.
7 replies · active 588 weeks ago
fullframenow's avatar

fullframenow · 589 weeks ago

Canon6D at BH is currently $1799. WTF happened to the black friday sales? Look like this A7 is the one to get now!
I really find it tragic how Pentax, then Ricoh, have totally disregarded 35mm tradition. If for nothing else than for the sake of history, one FF camera should have been done and available by now.

Considering that we today may use old film glass on almost any FD system natively but on Pentax's own, is shameful and cannot be justified. It's ridiculous in fact.

It really shows that Ricoh had no idea what are they doing during the purchase of Pentax, and no respect for Pentax brand, to enable people start working on overdue tasks as soon as possible. But they waited, waited, waited. That there'll pass 3 years since purchase just to probably have some hint about a possible FF camera, is insufferable.

I bet Ricoh would not neglect their printer business like that.
2 replies · active 589 weeks ago
UsedtobuyPentax's avatar

UsedtobuyPentax · 589 weeks ago

The Pentax K-3 looks like it'll be a wonderful APS-C camera. Few firmware updates will no doubt demonstrate this. I think it was ZosX above who stated that shooting with Pentax is enjoyable . . . and it really, really is. I love my K-5 IIs and all my PK and M42 lenses. However, the K-3 is not sufficiently different enough for me to upgrade.

The A7/r offers something quite different, I guess it's a sort of poor man's Leica M and that's part of the appeal. Whether this is just marketing hype, time and pics will tell. But you can imagine the joy for photographers if they can use any lens on the same body. It's one of the Holy Grails of interchangeable lens cameras if you like. Adapters are cheap, lenses are not cheap.
Jaz Johal's avatar

Jaz Johal · 589 weeks ago

Will tilt and shift Lens work on this mount with awesome sensor ?
1 reply · active 588 weeks ago
In this forum, ANY camera is "awesome" as soon as it has a full-frame sensor.
Nothing else matters.
7 replies · active 535 weeks ago
Good Riddance Ned!'s avatar

Good Riddance Ned! · 588 weeks ago

I remember how much crap Ned Bunnell would spout off about the old lenses not working on new Full Frame sensors. It was such a load of garbage! The Sony A7/R takes great photos with legacy glass! I'm glad Ricoh canned him!
Ricoh, I think, the APS-C sensor is still to large and expensive, get something smaller and charge even more !
1 reply · active 588 weeks ago
Is it possible to also use the DA on the A7/R? are the results good enough?
1 reply · active 588 weeks ago

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