The link sources of the above gear images with various photo samples are listed below. In particular, the potential of the three excellent FA Limited lenses are fully released and they are now revived for makng photos as what they were original designed and why they were born! Both A7 and A7R are used for making those photos, of which the long-awaited hungry and eager old Pentaxians have rushed to buy, at all costs and at the first time!! >:-o
FA31 Ltd on A7:
The three FA Limited on A7:
FA20 and FA31 Ltd on A7R:
FA18-35 on A7:
Indeed, the most valuable thing for the A7/R for adapting those old K-mount film glass is that it is just so easy and direct. There is no modification of any to the lens is required! And with Sony's original MF focus peaking function, MF operation is actually quick, easy and accurate!
Update (11-30): Wow, even the old cheapo SMC-M 50mm F1.7 glass can produce images with IQ like that! See:
This is really the FF Magic! AoV is absolutely correct and no resolution is lost (owing to cropping)! All old lenses are performing as what they were designed, even for a lens that was produced half a century ago!!
Related - My K-mount Lens FF Adapts:
This is What the Limited Lenses Should be Put Onto!
DIY: Adapting the Pentax FA*85/1.4 onto the Cantax K-5D Mark III
Sample Photos of Full Frame Fisheye and 43 Limited on 5D
Some Sample Photos with FAJ 18-35 on 5D (Full Frame)
Compatibility List of Some Pentax Full Frame Lenses on Canon 5D Body
Heiko · 589 weeks ago
and actually this shows the right way to go for any mirrorless Bayer-sensor-camera:
just adapt capable SLR-glass - don't worry about the problems those Leica-M-cheapskates (those without a true Leica digital body) have and just be happy, again!
Case in point for an improved Pentax k-mount mirrorless, as well!
UsedtobuyPentax · 589 weeks ago
The ability to use pretty much any lens on a single full frame body with stunning sensor is too much to resist. Pentax FA Limiteds (I have, 31, 77), K f1.2 (have) and the ability to use Contax G, Leica M, Minolta, Konica Hexanon, Nikkor, Canon, M42 screw mount (many) . . . I can understand why Sony's done it, they want to shift electronics and shift they will now.
A real masterstroke in my opinion. I have little doubt Nikon and Canon DSLR users are thinking the same thing right now.
Jonas · 589 weeks ago
I will always be a Pentaxian but FF legacy lenses only.
Sony camera do mundo · 589 weeks ago
Alexei · 589 weeks ago
typical APSC poster · 589 weeks ago
Pop · 589 weeks ago
"I’ll spill the beans now – none of the rangefinder lenses performed as well on the A7 as they do on the M9, specifically referring to image smearing into the edges/corners. Some are not so bad and are good enough when stopped down sufficiently, but some are outright horrible (ZM21, 28 Cron), to the point where one would think the lens was defective."
pentaxfools · 589 weeks ago
pentaxfools · 589 weeks ago
pentaxfools · 589 weeks ago
pentaxfools · 589 weeks ago
pentaxfools · 589 weeks ago
Andrés · 589 weeks ago
hys · 589 weeks ago
Dan Johnson · 589 weeks ago
Dan Johnson · 589 weeks ago
I heard Sony would release this image sensor, then shortly afterward we'll see the Non-Bayer Organic Back-Light image sensor Panasonic's been working on with Fugi in full frame as well as 4/3 format.
Bukaj · 589 weeks ago
fullframenow · 589 weeks ago
Bzrkd · 589 weeks ago
Considering that we today may use old film glass on almost any FD system natively but on Pentax's own, is shameful and cannot be justified. It's ridiculous in fact.
It really shows that Ricoh had no idea what are they doing during the purchase of Pentax, and no respect for Pentax brand, to enable people start working on overdue tasks as soon as possible. But they waited, waited, waited. That there'll pass 3 years since purchase just to probably have some hint about a possible FF camera, is insufferable.
I bet Ricoh would not neglect their printer business like that.
UsedtobuyPentax · 589 weeks ago
The A7/r offers something quite different, I guess it's a sort of poor man's Leica M and that's part of the appeal. Whether this is just marketing hype, time and pics will tell. But you can imagine the joy for photographers if they can use any lens on the same body. It's one of the Holy Grails of interchangeable lens cameras if you like. Adapters are cheap, lenses are not cheap.
Jaz Johal · 589 weeks ago
Chris · 589 weeks ago
Nothing else matters.
Good Riddance Ned! · 588 weeks ago
Simon · 588 weeks ago
Jean · 588 weeks ago