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Wednesday, August 25, 2010

A Mega Shootout: D90 Vs 550D Vs K-7

This latest test by the Ephotozine is really interesting and useful, have a look!


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Michael A.'s avatar

Michael A. · 759 weeks ago

Interesting indeed. I knew why I'm sticking to Pentax for my needs... :o)
1 reply · active less than 1 minute ago
The K-7 still shows a few of its problems, e.g., more visible noise at higher ISO and underexposure, etc. But it seems that it is not as bad as what I found out in my previous tests. Maybe Pentax has managed to fine tune it for the later production units?
Snip from Test 2: ISO Speeds:
"ISO 100 not available on the Pentax K7"

Is here ANY reason, why I should read entire "test"?
1 reply · active 759 weeks ago
Maybe they just forgot to take the shot with that particular ISO for that scene.
How can one compare underexposed K7 images to correctly exposed Nikon/Canon shots?
This is a bad test!
3 replies · active 759 weeks ago
But it shows the underexposure tendency of the K-7 indeed, on the other hand.
Maybe they just don't know about correct metering and EV correction ?

I'm asking just because Nikon D300 in my terms always overexposures by 1 or 1.5 stops.

While my K10D, wife's K10D and friend's K-x are all doing exposition right.
I think they are not "don't know" but just opted to *not do it*.

What's the point of overriding the cameras under test when they decided to give those readings / processing / results?

After all, overriding them or to use the "same" settings are actually not too difficult. But then, what settings to choose? E.g., to make the brighter picture darker by -ve EV or to make the darker pictures brighter by adding EV for the "underexposuring" cameras?
This test is good, but.... The buffer test is rubbish, the K-7 dynamic range optimizer was turned on as was the CA-correction and Dissortion-correction. Then the camera will be slow. Turned off the buffer is full after 10 or more pictures.
1 reply · active less than 1 minute ago
I think there are some rooms for improvement for particular tests. But still, what tested side-by-side are still quite interesting after all!
What did I see from this test:
1. They rated Pentax as the best color representation of the lot - when has that happened?
2. I agree, the buffer test was rubbish, and they forgot another important part - I believe the K-7 has the option to lower the fps rate and, like the K10 and K20, have no buffer shot limit.
3. Was this test with the newest firmware, which has sped up the AF system (thank you 645)
4. Weird they compared 'kit' lenses in this test - Of course a zoom at 105 will be greater than one maxing out at 55mm

Well, looke here, the site took down the review because of major inconsistencies, and points you to the Pentax review....weird...
"Sorry the comparison test that you are looking for has been taken down due to inconsistencies in the review procedure"

I find strange that a test expert like you didn't find them or didn't consider them relevant enough...I don't want to think that any test that bashes Pentax is 'interesting' for you, regardless of the procedure used...
3 replies · active 759 weeks ago
The *true* reason of taking down one's own test of theirs is actually unknown. No review and test is perfect on Earth and an "fair" shootout test is actually impossible as no two different models of camera on Earth were created to be identical. I suspect that they have just received great pressure from their customer or equipment supplier to withdraw their published test upon strong request.

So, that's the problem of those commercial review sites and the dilemma they faced - they never dared to argue or even fight with their sources of supplies and income (for providing equipment for testing and for Ads) unless they are really strong and powerful enough, like the Dpreview.
The problem wit this site is that some of the facts were so wrong that they invalidated the rest of the review. When you publicly criticize someone you have to be very sure about your facts or be prepared to recognize your errors when they are discovered.
Hey, everybody makes mistakes. They did it and took the review down, you did it recommending us a clearly inconsistent review and...well, you are not well known for recognizing your mistakes, are you?
On the contrary, you kindly (and continuously)remind us how good are you predicting and choosing the right rumor sources...that's called...modesty ! (irony mode off) ;-)
Ah, and here are the reasons for taking down the test, according to their editor:

"Yes sorry about that review guys. It was done by a freelance contributor and wasn't checked thoroughly by the team when they put it up as we assumed the freelancer was accurate in his test procedure. It was deeply flawed and will be redone in due course.
Rest assured ePHOTOzine has no bias and it's always been our intention that the best camera wins.

The trouble these days with camera reviews is that you have to not only have read the instruction manual inside out, but know the camera inside out too, and that's every nook and crannie. Camera reviewers get cameras for a short space of time and have to compare all aspects thoroughly. The Canon and Nikon have already gone back so we need to get them back again. And to be credible the test needs to meet the expectations of the existing users who may have had the cameras for months, as well as be sure that every set-up is accurately done. It's quite a challenge to do something as thorough as what was intended in the space of time given to do it.

I'm not sticking up for the reviewer - shooting in centre weighted on one and pattern metering on another is unforgivable"

Your turn, RiceHigh.
Last but not least.... we all take pictures on whatever camera we have.... at the end of our respective shots, we all end up using some kind of photo editor, one to correct under/over exposure / wb / ca / sharpness / noise / etc.... agree ?
So in my personal case i have to live with my K7's horrible noise (still use my beloved K100D) and wait till Pentax decides to improve this crap
You call this rubbish test "useful"?
Once the basic flaws were pointed out to the editor, the "useful" test was removed because it was putting the reputation of ephotozine at risk.

That's how "useful" your Pentax bashing blog is...
This "useful" link is now removed by the author "due to inconsistencies in the review procedure".
Ricehigh, I really think you should let your readers know about that.

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