(in Japanese, Google-translated English page here)
So, we see an ILDC box and diagram drawn by Pentax, but nobody except Pentax knows if there is such a camera or not, not even for a prototype. Regarding the built-in flash design of the patent, I don't see it has any major breakthrough and significant difference against that of the Pana GF1 or the Samsung NX100 or the Oly EP-L1 or whatsoever, which is just very similar after all, frankly.

Syam · 745 weeks ago
a 17mm pancake or a 30mm normal pancake, a 60mm portrait.....you know the "classics"
RiceHigh 110p · 745 weeks ago
j viviano · 745 weeks ago
RiceHigh 110p · 745 weeks ago
j viviano · 745 weeks ago
Backwards compatibility is Pentax's ace in the hole. I hope they retain it for the EVIL.
Din · 745 weeks ago
Syam · 745 weeks ago
Most of the time I carry a camera with me. I would love a small compact camera with a couple of pancakes to go along with. It would go well with what I like to do, streetshooting, hiking, etc.
Furthermore the gf1/2, ep1/2, nex 3/5 all look like compacts. They won't fit everbody's style but they work well enough.
Willie O'Dea · 745 weeks ago
You're lack if faith in mighty Pentax only serves to highlight your ignorance.
RiceHigh 110p · 745 weeks ago
p.s. Your post is edited for your naming calling words.