The staff of DPR replied, but the discussion was finally closed. Yet fortunately, it is not deleted, which is what PentaxForums did that on and off!
Following along the thread, we can learn that, as this poster told us, Adam, site owner of the PentaxForums, decided to fight back and declared a war! :-o
I do agree every words as commented by the above Pentaxian, in particular his conclusion that, "Adam is his, and his forums own worst enemy...".
Furthermore, I think yet another Pentaxian has also been right for most of his opinions, quoted:-
"I think it's ridiculous tbh.
DPR has a bottom line to protect(business tactic)
Adam has none(retaliative tactic).
There's a difference and only one of them looks bad without cause.
And I really don't see the sens in such senseless behavior tbh.
I remember when PF was a small and simple operation committed to its users.
Now... its starting to seem as though its slated to become another DPReview."
Furthermore, Adam also has had money relationship with many of those more superior members over there for their "sponsorship" for long (against where DPR has None! At DPR, there are only Admins and *Ordinary* Members!). So, it's your take to conclude now!
Nevertheless, let's talk back to the war! I think such blocking, no matter it happens anywhere at the Cyberplace, just does no good to the Internet community and in particular to the Pentaxian community in this case. In fact, Internet is a platform for information exchange and hyper linking is the basic of how the Internet works! >:-(
At the end of the day, even now PentaxForums manually blocks my links of this Blog (in addition to the automatic blocking all the DPR links) and that DPR has banned me for posting at their forum (I knew that whenever I am there, there will be big chaos! ;-)), I still post reference links to the forums and posts at any of them as long as there are something interesting and useful to share. The case is just as simple as that - as long as I mean to share! :->
Of course, I don't agree with the narrow-minded-ness of Adam and the PentaxForums. And, the hidden profit-making money-related site and nature of the PentaxForums and actually the hypocritical attitude of the site owner is the worst thing on Earth that I hate, or more appropriately to describe, I simply look down at him! >:-|
Btw, if you want to read another follow-up discussion about the closed thread, here it is, at the DPR:-
True Rumour for Upcoming Pentax DSLRs and Plan? (Possibly~)
Dictatorship/Censorship Alert (Reminder) is Building a New "CanikonForums"!?
Don't Join Any Forum that Has Censorship and Heavy Filtering
Hypocrites/Cowards of those "Pentax" Forums
Hypocrites of the PentaxForums and Their Lies
skina · 747 weeks ago
RiceHigh 110p · 747 weeks ago
rhermans · 747 weeks ago
The big problem with you is that a lot of what you've written makes sense, but ... the other brands have one disadvantage they don't have anyone like you to set them straight.
Blocking is lame, imo it means that nobody can come up with a descent answer so they decide to ignore you.
For me DPR and PF are both trying to keep their readers/members.
Most forums don't allow you to invite their members to another forum, and that's common sense, but now more and more people are in the same forums, and blocking tactics will force people to choose, not because a content but on how they feel about it. This is a loose loose situation.
ps: are their still forums where they haven't blocked you ;)
RiceHigh 110p · 747 weeks ago
Guest · 747 weeks ago
Bob E · 747 weeks ago
I don't see Adam blocking dozens of folks for stating their opinions, but I hear of dozens and dozens of folks who were former members of DPR because DPR banned them.
j viviano · 747 weeks ago
This is really a simple matter, both PF and DPR are commercial sites. DPR have a suspicious pro-canon slant, and the PF have a suspiciously pro-pentax slant. They both promote vendors... and for good reason - servers are pretty expensive, and why pay for it yourself if you can get someone else to?
The URL blocking on both sides goes to show that they BOTH have interests to protect. Neither of them are childish, they are simply protecting their interests. I take everything I read at both forums with a grain of salt - there are enough people on both forums that push sales and big-ticket items. In the end though, I do find PF to be a more valuable resource for Pentax news and such, even if I do need to be careful about some member's motives. The wealth of information pertaining to vintage pentax gear, as well as the market place (which I still find the best deals on) is unavailable anywhere else to my knowledge!
However if it is, please let me know. Heck, post a URL to it! We can do that here :).
myllis · 747 weeks ago