Web Analytics RiceHigh's Pentax Blog: Culprits of "Terrible K-5 (In-Camera) IQ": Strong AA Filter (of Sensor) Plus Weak JPEG Engine?

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Culprits of "Terrible K-5 (In-Camera) IQ": Strong AA Filter (of Sensor) Plus Weak JPEG Engine?

See these recent discussions for the observations and points as raised by the OPs (and those sensible (but not emotional) responses also):-

K-5 IQ terrible?: Pentax SLR Talk Forum: Digital Photography Review

K5 only for RAW shooters.....: Pentax SLR Talk Forum: Digital Photography Review

Photozone - Pentax K5 ... ordered (But would return for a Mod soon.. for 500 Euros! +_+)

I won't comment further. I blog, you think and decide!

Update (11-26): The strong AA filter of the K-5 does still have its value under extreme case, see:-

via http://forums.dpreview.com/forums/read.asp?forum=1036&message=37020164

for the same resolution chart and target of very high spatial frequency taken with the D7000 (Left) Vs K-5 (Right). The D7k picture is actually sharper, but moire is more an issue.

Previous Stories:-

Famous German Magazine Rates K-5 IQ Worst Amongst Current "Top" DSLRs

I Want to Buy the K-5, But..

K-7 Wins Over K-5 in IQ (Specifically)!

IQ and AF-C of the K-5 - I am Not Impressed! :-(

Comments (16)

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Won't comment on the JPG-engine, as I think all the in-camera JPG engines stink and ought to be made illegal to use :)

Falk Lumo, who knows more on this than me (and you and the other folks who comment here, all of us combined):
4 replies · active 746 weeks ago
But people keep saying that the D7000 JPEGs are simply (far) better! The sensor is the same, right? :-o
... Even IF the JPEGs are worse, who really cares? Everyone taking photography seriously is shooting raw, and I'll guess it always will be.

Besides I don't trust any online magazine anyways. Too much confusion going on there, too many are on the pay roll of certain companies and some just over exagerate things.

Rice, when are you going to rent yourself the K-5 and just see for yourself? Maybe you wouldn't mind if you'd shot a couple of frames yourself? The best guidance is still your personal feeling when using it on your own, I assume!

Oh, almost forgot:

One shouldn't always look at pictures on their monitor. It makes far more sense if it would be viewed on a good print!
People are also saying that Sarah Palin is a person of high intelligence.

I've not yet seen any evidence that the JPGs out of D7000 are "simply (far) better!" - there is more colour moire in the D7000-images.

Problem with folks doing comparisons like this is that they tend to use the default settings of the camera's and sure, it's ok, but it can't be used as any kind of evidence of superiority or inferiority. K5 may have a slightly stronger AA-filter (which is good in my book - K10 for example had too weak one for my taste), and the JPGs are probably sharpened less by default, maybe even less saturated by default. The only thing that tells is that the default settings produce images that are different from D7000 images - changing the settings will do a big difference on any camera.
Keep Sahra Palin out here, here JPG Engine stinks also ...
Barbarosa's avatar

Barbarosa · 746 weeks ago

read those treads and if You have a bit of brain everything will be explained by posts
I'm in that discussion and Claus explained why he need removed AA filter, for waist other ppl that means nothing.
Also tuning of JPEG settings for those who want to shot jpeg is explained and many more, but i think i waist my breath on You.
1 reply · active less than 1 minute ago
j viviano's avatar

j viviano · 746 weeks ago

Rice listens to no one... He also does not think. He simply googles "Pentax" and some negative verbs, and copypastes the result here. Problem is, Rice also does not read. Thats why he posts links to so many threads started by uninformed individuals, who are corrected a few posts later.
Toomas Kadarpik's avatar

Toomas Kadarpik · 746 weeks ago

The discussion and also test in Imaging Resource reveal better IQ from K7 and bad moire patterns in D7000 and little more resolution. For lens tests, Klaus needs its AA removed, but he is going to shoot special controlled images not general photography subjects. All this discussion is rediculous.

Most beginners get non sharp photos due to the slow shutter speed or cameras shake and accuse the camera, actually 10 Mpixels is enough for most amateur usage, even most lenses are quite sharp at this resolution. You need to put 4000 dollars to lenses if you are discussing such a level resolution issues. You also need good contrast and color from lens not only sharpness.

If you shoot jpeg, take account that K5 allows you to set up different NR for each iso and also you can tweak sharpness. Why it is so big problem to see that K5 is excellent balanced system from many different points and same is Nikon. If you think that you shoot better with Nikon or Pentax you are really weak in photography and you should do somethign else. Buy MF if you need large prints and do it.

For me clear positive thing in pentax is rotational shake reduction and choise of optical vs in camera SR. Optical is good thing but in camera has its advantages to use sigma 50mm 1.4 for example, this lens has 1.7Tstop light loss only, you can not shoot handheld with Nikon with this lens in darkness. If you read it and think that ok I take zoom lens with VR - but you get 3.7Tstop ligjht loss there. This makes sense for me sometimes. I also sometimes use electronic level and I really do not like plastic cameras like Nikon D7000 with MA top cover only. I am quite firm I drop my camera sometimes or tele lens gets between me and wall.

Nikon has better flash exposure metering if you need it really use it, I like manual more and I do not think computer inside camera can provide more than fill. But from the other hand it is one thig Pentax should improve.

D7000 has more AF points and better SDM operation in lenses, if you shoot sports it is quite nice to have.

Pentax from the other hand has its limited lenses, those lenses have very lightweight glass inside and take for example DA21 and look how fast it focuses.

It is endless story and if you are serious, buy different cameras, you definitely get convinced that there is no ideal camera at all.

2 replies · active less than 1 minute ago

And just WHY are you telling him what to do in his own blog? I'm sure he didn't force you to come here and read all his"stupid articles"?
That's exactly what I have been thinking for long. Thanks, guy. :-)
I ack the posting of Toomas in so far as lens resolution is concered. 2500 lpph translates into 70 lp/mm. Only few lenses resolve this much at MTF50. 2850lpph (The Sony value) translate to 80 lp/mm. We are talking APS-C sensors, don't forget this!
1 reply · active 746 weeks ago
j viviano's avatar

j viviano · 746 weeks ago

Rice requires much more than this for his SMC A 50mm f2 ;).
C'mon guys, let's not get into personal attacks. Ricehigh is actually doing Pentax a favor. He collects all negative Pentax info in one place (here), so they can be answered in one place also :).
3 replies · active less than 1 minute ago
Yes, I believe that Hoya should respond and give us some answers to the issues. But they never responded directly, but just silently, I know.. :-)
Issues like that the JPG engine by default is not to your taste?
j viviano's avatar

j viviano · 746 weeks ago

Most of the things Rice collects could hardly be considered information. Thats the real issue here. I have no problem with actual criticism, but Rice babbles about problems that don't exist, citing sources that do not substantiate his claims. He spreads misinformation.

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