Kuwait reported to have banned use of DSLRs in public
This looks really ridiculous afterall! What's the rationale behind?? For security reason(s)? Are the DSLRs weapons? How dangerous they are?
Maybe the Kuwait Government has recently searched this Pentax SLR during a recent operation and shortly decided that they should ban all DSLRs as such! ;-D

Above: Courtesy of AOHC: C.I.A. single-shot gun-camera (1966):-
"The Stinger is a single-shot re-loadable .22 magnum pen-gun, perhaps the single most popular weapon of the C.I.A. In 1966 the Stinger has been "swallowed" by an Asahi Pentax 35mm SLR and properly cocked via camera’s film advance lever. It shot by shutter release button breaking the lens elements in front of it. photo: CIA website"
Lurker · 746 weeks ago
RiceHigh 110p · 746 weeks ago
rhermans · 746 weeks ago
RiceHigh 110p · 746 weeks ago