Web Analytics RiceHigh's Pentax Blog: Focus Peaking Trick on E-M5 (Which has NOT the Feature! Trick NOT works for Pentax Bodies!)

Friday, October 26, 2012

Focus Peaking Trick on E-M5 (Which has NOT the Feature! Trick NOT works for Pentax Bodies!)


Via 43 Rumors.

Wow, this OM-D user is really clever and brilliant!

However, this tricks does NOT with any existing Pentax bodies which do not have the focus peaking feature built-in, i.e., those models without a PRIME M processor, including the K-5, K-5II/IIs and the Q. It is because the in-camera digital filters of the Pentax cameras are applied in post-editing, but not viewable at real-time in Live View.

Remark: To those particular fanboys: Whoever wants to argue again, do read the relevant Pentax user manuals and try before hand. If they don't have those Pentax cameras (which they usually don't have the gear they defend!), I would ask them to get the soft manuals online first! :-o

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Very nice idea!
K-01, PENTAX Q(Ver.1.10), Q10 have focus peaking feature!
1 reply · active 646 weeks ago
k30 too
Ricoh GXR too
Some dude's avatar

Some dude · 646 weeks ago

Oops rice. Pentax Q now has focus peaking. But leave it to you to really spin something clever done somewhere else into a Pentax negative. What a joke you are, no fanboy ism required to see it

Are you going to retract your false statement about the Q?
Jaz Johal's avatar

Jaz Johal · 646 weeks ago

Did you not just say in one post the Q firmware included Focus Peaking? And then the very next post say its not included? I am confused which is which.
Does me questioning this contradiction make me a fanboy?
And you ask the fanboys to read the manuals and try it with their gear that you ridicule them for not having when the defend the gear, then do you yourself have this gear to be an authority and ridicule them?
3 replies · active 645 weeks ago
You boys are really troublesome! The new Q firmware focus peaking inclusion is not something that has ever officially announced but I am one of the first to report it, once upon a reader of mine who is a Q user informed me. This is after I wrote this post. So, do u boys want to stick here and argue with every word I wrote everyday and stir up troubles?
Jaz Johal's avatar

Jaz Johal · 645 weeks ago

I thought I had a valid point in asking about the contradiction.
I was under the impression from your many previous post that you regarded freedom of discussion and exchange highly and that in the past you had criticized other forums and blogs from censoring you and banning you in the past and them labeling you as a trouble maker or what ever.
Maybe they felt the same that you were arguing and stirring up trouble, And the banned you , os that not a similar reaction to label and ban discussion ir questioning? Isnt yhat a " do as i say , nit as i have done" approach? Wouldn't that play the same game I'd censorship that was applied to you? Something to consider.
I've applied no censorship on you, otherwise you are not here to post and reply!
Does the q with focus peaking have the prime m? If not is it possible then that the k5 could have it added via firmware update.
3 replies · active 645 weeks ago
Pentax has never officially stated about the processor used in the Q. However, the video specs of it indicate that it would be the M.

On the other hand, the K-5, K-5II and K-5IIs are all having a Prime II processor which does not support the focus peaking and thus a firmware update for it should be impossible.
Again - learn the differences between *should* and *could*.
Okay, your choice:

1. Spamming this site could be banned;

2. Spamming this site should be banned.

You choose 1 or 2?
Spamming? You make obvious mistakes that SHOULD be corrected.
2 replies · active 645 weeks ago
You have NOT made your choice yet! "Should" or "could"? (Before that all readers here "could" learn!)
Did YOU learn the difference?

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