Is it better this time? This is what a K-mount mirrorless should be, for a much slimmer, smaller and lighter body with a thin lens on it! Right? In fact, the overall thickness of the above is not much thicker than that of when the thinnest pancake lens of NEX is mounted. Just compare against the following:-

Since the K-01 is thick and without a flipping monitor, Pentax/Ricoh can now start to make the next thinner model as K-02, just like what I've done! Yes, for a new model! And also the next next model with a flipping mon as K-03 and then the next^3 model as K-04 for being equipped with an EVF also! Then that may come to the end of the line when it happens! ;-D Lol..
When the Super Pancake Meets Different Bodies~
Simon · 673 weeks ago
jlahuer · 673 weeks ago
It is great for 'family pics' and videos, actually it has completely replaced my K20D for this kind of subjects. However, when it comes to 'artistic' photography, whatever it means, i don't fell comfortable composing with the LCD (except unusual point of view, thanks tho the articulated LCD). I miss a viewfinder and I am not sure if I would like the EVF available for the NEX-5N.
Besides, mounting other's mounts lenses with adapter is fun but...you lose AF, changing aperture is not always possible (depending on the lens/adapter) and, the more important, no stabilization.
And this is my main complain about a camera so slim, you need the lenses to be stabilized instead of sensor.
Anyway, I also would like the K-01 to be much smaller.
John · 673 weeks ago
I know Sony has some financial problems, but on the other hand, Pentax can't be that expensive.
Alex · 673 weeks ago
Btw, nice combo - can you mount a (real) flash on it? ;)
Art · 673 weeks ago
Alex · 672 weeks ago
For the camera division, though, it makes absolutely no sense to buy Pentax and invest big $$$ on developing the K-mount system - given that they have their own Alpha mount. With the acquisition of Minolta, they pretty much have everything.
Then, why would a big company acquire a smaller one, if not to strengthen its portfolio? To kill it, of course. John (without realizing) asked for Pentax death.
However, not even that doesn't make much sense; what would they gain, a fraction from the tiny market share? And a very bad reputation, not that it's so good right now.
frank · 673 weeks ago
RiceHigh 110p · 673 weeks ago
danny · 673 weeks ago
Andrew Munster · 672 weeks ago
Amilcar Alzaga · 655 weeks ago
Because Pentax has great nice small bodies and sweet smallish optics, but those smalish optics require the focusing drill in the camera body... (I don't like the K01, by the way, it looks to me like a camera with all the disadvantages of a mirorless camera and none of it's advantages... I have both, K5 and NEX 5n -and K7 and NEX 5, lately I only use the K5 whenever the situation needs for the weather sealing or using my macro or zoom lenses, otherwise, I'm in love with my NEX doing manual focusing with my voightlander lenses)