4. 2012: Pentax Ricoh Imaging Company:-
A Ricoh K-5:-

Source: A DPR Forum Post
3.5. 2011-12: Transitional Period from Hoya to PRIC:-

Label and documentation are showing Hoya but there is a notice of change of ownership included in the box.
Source: Changing the Focusing Screen of K-5 - Tips and Techniques
3. 2007-2011: Hoya Corporation:-
A Hoya K-5's bottom:-
K-5 is a Pentax DSLR model which carries both a Hoya and a Ricoh label for the units manufactured before and after.. Btw, mine is a Hoya unit.
Source: Imaging Resource
And my Optio WG-1 GPS purchased last summer:-

Source: My Take (Tick) on the WG-1 GPS! ;-)
2. 2001-2006: Pentax Corporation:-
My K100D:-

Source: Where are the Pentax DSLRs and Lenses Made?
1. 2001 and before: Asahi Optical Company:-
The bottom labels of my MZ-S and Optio 330:-

Source: Where are the Pentax DSLRs and Lenses Made?