Web Analytics RiceHigh's Pentax Blog: Focus Numerique P-Q ISO IQ Tests (JPEG and DNG)

Monday, October 03, 2011

Focus Numerique P-Q ISO IQ Tests (JPEG and DNG)

Further to my last report, Focus Numerique has updated their review, now come with some IQ tests, for both in-camera JPEGs and DNG converted images:-


(in French, Google English Translation Here)

The posted test crop images are self-explanatory. But there is still no miracle. With such a small sensor, image details/resolution and low noise cannot co-exist. Nevertheless, I yet somehow believe in that "extra-ordinary image processing" theory and claim, though, as the lower ISO JPEGs yet seem to be more detailed and less soft/blurry even than those DNG converted ones. For ISO 800 and up, things are pathetic and helpless after all.