(Spanish, Google-translated English Page Here)
So, in short we have:-

And the dynamic range summary, by setting a 12 dB signal-to-noise ratio as the threshold limit:-

As we can see from the above, at the lowest ISO, K-5 has about 2EV more DR than the others. Do note that the advantage for the "dark" side only, but not for the highlights. That means that K-5 is able to keep about the same shadow noise level and maintain the SNR at -2 EVs more. Moreover, this advantage diminishes as ISO goes up, just say at ISO 1600, the 5D2 has 1 extra stop of DR than the K-5.
Toomas Kadarpik · 700 weeks ago
For this reason 5D is not very good HDR multishot camera either, because you can not bracket too widely e.g two stops.
But 5D does best photos in most of the situations.
bandymelis · 699 weeks ago
RiceHigh 110p · 699 weeks ago