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This Fuji X100 looks really nice to my eyes and it is only available in Hong Kong. But I'm afraid that at US$1800 the price is set too high, as even the standard black "leather" offer is a bit too expensive IMHO. Remember that this camera is not even lens-interchangeable, despite that it has a larger APS-C sensor! >:-(
bandymelis · 700 weeks ago
Well, anybody saw this stuff?: http://www.dpreview.com/articles/7237351494/lytro...
Reminds me of the toys I used to play wen I was 5 or so.
Ying · 700 weeks ago
Former Olympus CEO Michael Woodford has launched a scathing attack on the company, following his removal from his post. Olympus had said Woodford was removed from his post over a difference in strategic direction between him and the rest of the Board of Directors. In a frank interview with the Financial Times, Woodford calls this 'utter nonsense' and states his belief that his removal relates to an investigation he had commissioned, into unusual payments and his suggestion that the board's Chairman and Vice Chairman should stand down over the issue. In response to suggestions that Olympus may try to prosecute him for disclosing this information, Woodford says: 'Bring it on.'
http://www.dpreview.com/news/1110/11101815olyceos... http://www.bloomberg.com/news/print/2011-10-20/mo...
This looks like HUGE trouble for Oly, I don;t know if they will survive, my guess is Panasonic will step in and take over.
RiceHigh 110p · 700 weeks ago