Source: http://pentaxdslrs.blogspot.com/2011/10/this-may-be-year-for-pentax.html
I think as a long-time Pentax supporter and customer myself, I do want Pentax to do good things and be going strong by themselves, with their right decisions made and hard efforts paid, but NOT to hope natural disasters and other human unfortunates to go over other competitors so as to "help" Pentax and could even feeling happy for that! As a Pentaxian myself, I really feel rather ashamed of that kind of really bad mentality and childish behaviour!
In contrast, I think we should always bless for those people who are affected and hope that the adverse situation could improve and everything could come back normal as soon as possible, with minimal loss to asset damage or more importantly minimal life loss should be caused. To act more pro-actively, we should see what we could do to offer help, for those who are being suffered, truly.
Moreover, I think Pentax PR is also plain stupid enough to let that guy to register the website domain of pentaxdslrs.com instead of keeping that name by the Pentax themselves since the name simply looks purely official as it should be and no other camera brand of others would do that and allowed that happened! Hope Ricoh should rectify the problem soonest later on! :-o (N.B. pentaxdslr.com is a Pentax Imaging (USA) registered and owned website, on the other hand.)
Read Also:-
The Power of the Nature: Strong But Cruel
Statuses of Japanese Camera/Lens Plants After the Big Earthquake & Tsunami
frank · 700 weeks ago
But he has a point when it comes to availability. I think a lot of Korean companies are doing really well right now LG, Samsung, Kia, Hyndai, there are at the top right now the way Japan was a decade ago. Partly because of the dollar also since it makes Korean products a lot cheaper than Japanese products.
If this is the year for Pentax I don't think it has anything to do with natural disasters. Besides I don't think Pentax needs just a year they need a good solid decade and maybe now with Ricoh running the show and the release of some new cameras things will change. As I see Pentax is not doing that bad. People just need to stop comparing to Nikon and Canon
bandymelis · 700 weeks ago
Zebooka · 700 weeks ago
Thank god I've had bought my D700 in time. Here in Russia there is no price increase yet, but this (+ US prices increase for Nikons) will affect us soon I guess.
222 · 700 weeks ago
222 · 700 weeks ago
Ying · 700 weeks ago
In the face of human disaster, prosperity of one's choose camera brand should be the last thing on anyone's mind. How sad to be such a human being.
Thoughts to all those affected by the flood.
Yvon Bourque · 700 weeks ago
Yvon Bourque · 700 weeks ago
Madman · 700 weeks ago
I am no fanboy of Pentax and well know their short comings as well as what they excel in , I have used many brands professionally taking more Frames then most in a lifetime , and they all have issues, they all have QC problems . I know this as I am a shooter.
I did not read into his statements as you have. Why malign and mis represent the other blogger???? Ooh wait you have already run afowl of all the other blogs and forums as well .
Your assertions that any opinion that is not the same as you hold is that of a fanboy, are you not then an anti Pentax fanboy? Why with all the negativity and contempt you have for the brand do you bother staying with it? As well as run a Pentax blog? I think that why I visit, because it so bizarre and interesting that you do in spite of your negactivity.
Yvon Bourque · 700 weeks ago
Below is the statement you made:
"PS. All the world is so fed up with America-centered views of the world. There are more important things on earth than the American consumer. I guess now you got the idea. "
This statement alone shows that no matter what I write here, your perception is distorted by your belief. I am not a politician and there is little I can do to change your perception. In my view, as soon as someone enters Politic or Religion into a conversation, the subject at hand will never be resolved. By the way, I am Canadian, but I live in California, and the American people I know, and I live with them everyday, are the most wonderful people around. It's never the people, it's always the governing bodies.
Chris, I'm not even mad at you, RiceHigh or anyone using RiceHigh's comments to express their anger at me. I you read my blog, not RiceHigh's interpretation, you will see that I am simply stating facts. If there is a problem with Internet communications, it is that you can easily misunderstand a write up, or an email, depending on your mood or pre-conceived opinion.
Yvon Bourque · 700 weeks ago
(Apparently, my comment was too long)
Calm down, we're on the same side...we all look for happiness and prosperity and we love photography.
You see...sites like this RiceHigh site are in existance because our society loves to blame someone else for...well...everything and anything. My blog has never been retracted, and I actually tried to clarify my post.
Hope you have a great day today.
Marek · 700 weeks ago
I don't see the original post as being too bad, it states facts and says that Pentax can benefit from it. What is problem with it? I don't think that the original poster was happy about the natural disaster itself or life loss etc... I have seen much more malevolent posts here ... Rice is always "stating" (or "being happy" - by his interpretation) about all possible problems that Pentax has.
Asahiflex · 700 weeks ago
PRICOH LTD. · 700 weeks ago
Nikon makes cheaper cost dslrs in Thailand. Parts compontents sourced from, I don't know.
Nikon makes cheaper cost lenses in Thailand. Parts components sourced from, I don't know.
Pentax uses Sony Sensors, so maybe Pentax will have to retool their abandoned film camera line and give Pentaxians the full frame camera they've been begging for ?
Its sad, very sad for the lovely people of Thailand to endure this newest global warming disaster.
Andrew Munster · 673 weeks ago