The tone of the poster is quite firm. It *seems* that he has known something. It is told that the press release will be held at 2:00 p.m., Beijing Time (UTC +8:00). Below is a brief list of the specs:-
Name: Canon EOS 1DX
Sensor: 1800 Megapixels
ISO: Up to 51200, Expandable to 204000
Shooting Speed: 14 fps
AF: 61-point System
Other New Features: Built-in Multiple Exposure, Built-in LAN Port
Besides, it is discovered that the official "product speaker" of Canon DSLRs in China, the Hong Kong movie star Jackie Chan, has arrived in Beijing the day before:-
Of course, you can take all these as grains of salt, as nothing could be verified.
Update 1 (11:45 a.m.): Canon Rumors have had much of the leaked information, including the following finder view and the AF layout. I would now regard the 1D X has been confirmed and it is real! :-)

Update 2 (14:00 p.m.): Canon Japanese 1DX webpage now has all the official information over there. The "full" specs are there, but some parameters including the weight are not yet published. There is also a sample page, but still pictures are in really small size and the movie samples are edited (there are no Full HD original for download neither). Nevertheless, some of those more interesting official pictures are linked as follows:-

Read Also:-
Super Star Uses 645D
Daedbird · 700 weeks ago
1. Its a Canon - Unless you changed this to RiceHigh's Canon blog.
2. Its too expensive - 99 percent of SLR buyers are not getting this, they are getting the Rebel/3100/5100/Kr/M43, not this
3. Its a friggin Canon - I don't care if its got Xray vision, still not plunking down money on a Canon. I would go to Nikon, Sony, heck hiring a guy to sketch everything I want to photograph before I go Canon. I am buying the Q before I would buy this thing. I would get a m4/3 and only use Holga plastic lenses before I buy this thing.
If you gave it to me, um, sure I would try it out......then sell it and buy a K5, and probably four vintage FA* lenses for the cost of that thing....
WRoss · 700 weeks ago
Ying · 700 weeks ago
RiceHigh 110p · 700 weeks ago
Ying · 700 weeks ago
RiceHigh 110p · 700 weeks ago
Mario · 700 weeks ago
loock · 700 weeks ago
Now it's a mistake, but if you wait a few years you'l see that :)
PRICOH LTD. · 700 weeks ago
Its $3,200 US Dollars less than 645D !!!
Its $8,200 US Dollars less than collectable Red Color 645D !!!!!!!!!!
Here's 2 more 1DX info links
1DX Looks like fun, I may get me one.
I had zero interest in 645D at higher cost, more weight, more bulk, less specs, less pro support, less brand new lenses available in USA today , etc..........
Having saved $3,000 by skipping the shutter blur K-7 and the sensor stained K-5, I am about half way there.
Daedbird · 700 weeks ago
$6,800 - that is a lot of cash to place in the body of a camera alone. That $3,200 difference really gets small if you have a bunch of 645 lenses, and no Canon FF ones. If you have the kind of cash to get a $6,800 camera just because it "looks like fun," then maybe you need to prioritize how you spend your money......
Here's where your logic is really bad - There are very few people who would have bought a K-7 AND a K-5. Say what you will about the K-7 (its an alright camera that excels in a few area, and leaves users wanting more in others), the K-5 is an awesome camera. A-W-E-S-O-M-E. Period. There was an issue with sensor staining on early models, something Pentax admitted to and addressed, but the camera as a whole matches up with any other model in its range, and a few above in many areas.
I have thought about buying a lightly used K-7, and am SO tempted to purchase a new K-5. The only thing holding me back are some video functionality with the K-5, ever-so-slight that when its successor is announced I will buy either it or the K-5 on a discount.
Yes, I know, the 1Dx has more video functionality than any SLR, but again, its $6,800. I can buy a K-5 ($1,200), spare battery ($50), camera grip $150), a couple high capacity cards ($200), any choice of 70-200 2.8 lenses ($900), a teleconverter to work with it ($200), that 28mm 2.8 lens I have wanted ($500), the whole Lensbaby package ($600), and that still leaves me with $3,000, if I had that kind of money in my pocket. And that doesn't account for my FA* 85mm 1.4, A* 50mm 1.4, DA* 16-50mm 2.8 (which I have never had a problem with), A 70-200mm F4, FA 50mm 1.4, Sigma 80-400mm.
chris · 700 weeks ago
2. 645d has a mf sensor, which is in size much bigger than a ff sensor. if i had the money and willingness to invest in a second sytem besides k mount, it would be the 645 system.
sorry for the lwercase and bad typos,mi am writing on a crappy ipad
Daedbird · 700 weeks ago
Wedding Photographer · 700 weeks ago
The specifications are yummy.... I can't wait to hear 14fps firing off (OK only 12 if using AF), the 10 of the mkIII already sounds great, so this should be amazing! Also, to play with the higher ISO settings could make a huge world of difference in certain church wedding situations as well as sports when the light is getting low. I'm just waiting to see the real life shots and if ISO 6,400 and 12,800 is really usable for large prints this will really be a winning camera. It will also mean emptying my pockets and getting a couple :)
Sure, sports/wildlife shooters have lost the 1.3x crop, but that's nothing major to most people considering this sort of investment as you just put on longer glass. Nikon shooters have been doing so for a long time and the results have been stunning.