(Source: Mapcamera at Rakuten)

(Source: Shop at Taobao)
So, as for the Mapcamera's price, it is of Japanese Yens 78,343, which is roughly equal to US$980 and that the Chinese price is even cheaper, at RMB Yens 6,000, which is roughly equal to US$940, both below US$1,000 now!
IMO, it should be yet another strong sign for indicating that at least Pentax/Ricoh has been trying very hard to clear the (last?) K-5 stock in some countries, at least for the Japanese home and the mainland China, even though the last time the secret France new stuff announcement was withdrawn and subsequently Pentax France rep confessed that it was simply a "mistake"! :-o >:-(
Okay, Pentaxians, let's wait for the next Pentax DSLR body and upgrade to come! Or, you could just buy the K-5 right now if it is just cheap enough and you do still want one at this late stage! :-D
Fortytwo · 698 weeks ago
flomat · 698 weeks ago
RiceHigh 110p · 698 weeks ago
So, Pentax must have been assuming for long that only people who shoot film should have such an accurate AF system, but not for all those Pentax DSLR users! >:-(
Ray · 698 weeks ago
RiceHigh 110p · 698 weeks ago
But do note that at retail shops the sales prices are usually higher than what you can get online, even if you are going to buy the goods from the same retailer, e.g., Mapcamera. The workaround is that if you are to stay long enough and you have a local resident address, you can buy it online, the local delivery within Japan takes only one to two days time. (If you stay at hotel, I am not sure if they are willing to deliver the goods to you and let you to buy it online..)
naveed · 698 weeks ago
wtam · 697 weeks ago
I have purchased 2 lenses, camera grip from them in the pass - reasonable service and delivery.
Toomas Kadarpik · 698 weeks ago
RiceHigh 110p · 698 weeks ago
Tristan · 698 weeks ago
RiceHigh 110p · 698 weeks ago
Kevin Foster · 698 weeks ago
Ron Hendriks · 697 weeks ago
Maybe it is just to keep the Pentaxcommunity close to the brand. In times of a change of ownership, the biggest problem would be walking away from customers.
.scorp · 697 weeks ago