N.B. and Update (9-5): Some people have pointed out that the price reduction and rebate is tricky. Whilst Pentax Imaging wants to clear their K-5 stock with this marketing campaign, the consumers actually do not benefit as much as it is claimed. See the following posts in thread:-
Next, Pentax France is teasing a new Pentax DSLR per their open e-invitation to a product show, which is going to be held from 6th to 10th of October:-
first via:

And this is the translation made by the OP:-
"Of course, we have other new products to introduce to you, but we can't tell you more for the moment."
Nonetheless, my own best understanding to the statement is that "new innovations" and "new camera features" will be presented, but these are not necessary to be "new products" anyway.
Finally, as seen from the teaser image of the new camera, it looks like the K-5, and at the right shoulder of the body there is a longer flat area for a top LCD status panel. But, the problem is just that if the dark shadow is the new camera, or just an image of the K-5? Who knows?
Update (9-3): Pentax France has modified the e-invitation pdf file and now the black shadow of the "new camera" has been deleted. So, it seems that this thing is somehow real then! Btw, if you still want to download the original copy of the pdf file, download it here. (My special thanks to my Blog readers "bandymelis" and "eighter" for providing this alert and the pdf file, respectively! :-))
Denis · 707 weeks ago
RiceHigh 110p · 707 weeks ago
Whilst I fully agree that FF is needed, I think the K-5 replacement is even urgently required, as the K-5 has just too many problems to be addressed, or at least the design of the body has to be updated. 11-point SAFOX? It has already been there for 10 years now! Oh Pentax, do you just want to sit there and never (make a major) update any of your systems?! >:-[
Chris · 707 weeks ago
Denis · 707 weeks ago
Chris · 707 weeks ago
The DSLR APS-C market is not dead. Why should it be?
bananacam · 707 weeks ago
bandymelis · 707 weeks ago
eighter · 707 weeks ago
Deimo · 707 weeks ago
Chris · 707 weeks ago
eighter · 707 weeks ago
eighter · 701 weeks ago
i hope some new models in a close future.