First of all, this is the original real source for all those photo-shopped "new K-5II" cameras. I have told that they are fake, but it seems that most people still don't believe it but believe that those fake pictures are real instead! So, I feel much obliged to illustrate more! >:-| (I thought that it was not necessary indeed for what I have already pointed out!)

(Above: Product photo downloaded from Dpreview's K-5 page, directly linked.)
Next, these are the "K-5II" and "K-5IIs" "product photos" that are being circulated these days:-

Compare the rubber pattern, which is UNIQUE from camera to camera, just like human's fingerprint and then compare the light pattern projected and reflected on the cameras at different positions for all those three "different" cameras. See the example illustration below, How Come they are ALL *identical*? :-o

Furthermore, this Slide Show is for those who are lazy! :->
Click Here to PLAY!
The two original real pictures and the two edited fake pictures are played in their *original sizes* in 1:1. You will see how well they are matched in *everything* except the K-5II and IIs printing!
Still believing those PPed images are real? Oh NO! Are that we Pentaxians really so hopeless in waiting for new Pentax bodies?! >:-(
Besides, at the end of the day, what's the meaning of removing the AA filter of a low resolution 16MP camera? Why so many people would yet believe in such a complete *non-sense*?! :-o
Believe me, Pentax will announce better and more logical things, but not these "K-5II" and "K-5IIs" stupidtiy! It is just a HOAX, undoubtedly! Yes, there is a K-5 replacement, but all those "leaked" pictures so far are FAKE! Anyway, everything will be made clear in just a few days!
UPDATE (9-11): Those K-5II/s front images are PSed but they are real and have now been official. I really feel sorry for Pentax for doing this by themselves!
Last Related:-
K-5II & K-5IIs? (FAKE!)
daedbird · 652 weeks ago
Plus, why would Pentax name an updated model the TWO, and one without a AA filter the TWO -S - wouldn't people be confused and think the S model was better? Then if they had a lot of moire effect, people would complain....
My guess is if they would release such a model (and really I see no need to release this, why not try the nonAA filter in a K-3 variant) they would name it the S and the A, or E (sticking with Nikon, and creating a uniformity for non-AA cameras.
But I agree with Rice, I really do not think this will be released.
9 items:
645D II
A new 645 lens
K-3 (24mp APSc)
K-300 (16mp, non-weather sealed, sub-$600 w/18-55 DAL)
620FGZ flash
2 new fullframe lenses
That bigazz telephoto lens
The q10
plus a couple new Qlenses, and some updated slr lenses.....
III · 652 weeks ago
RiceHigh 110p · 652 weeks ago
III · 652 weeks ago
Anonimity is Great · 652 weeks ago
RiceHigh 110p · 652 weeks ago
Spotmatic · 652 weeks ago
RiceHigh 110p · 652 weeks ago
arn · 652 weeks ago
Are you sure about that ?
I mean, these rubber grips are maybe made in a mold, it could explain that the patterns are identical for all K5.
RiceHigh 110p · 652 weeks ago
dpm · 652 weeks ago
RiceHigh 110p · 652 weeks ago
Christian · 652 weeks ago
Maybe they have used old K-5 renders for the new cameras, but the cameras ARE real, and that's what matters, right? They have also posted several pics for the Pentax Q10.
opiparopepino 58p · 652 weeks ago
RiceHigh 110p · 652 weeks ago
opiparopepino 58p · 652 weeks ago
There's no mistery there, they are official indeed.
Tim · 652 weeks ago
RiceHigh 110p · 652 weeks ago
Tim · 652 weeks ago
informed one · 652 weeks ago
This time, you totally non-sense about what going to happen in Pentax world. All your "predictions" are wrong. (devil's laugh)
I have official press release from Pentax in advance (it's absolutely official), and I have it 2 weeks before now.
The K-5 II and K-5 IIs are real products, they will be announced in few days.
Maybe this illustrative pictures may not real at all, because the K-5 II and K-5 IIs are identical to original K-5. But they are no doubt the bodies, who's be announced.
Not the K-3. Not the K-5n. Not the 645 II. Just K-5 II and K-5 IIs.
I saw the table you post some days earlier, and I laugh very loud about it. It's totally non-sense. Only 2 ot 9 prediction have been predicted, of course not exactly mach the real products.
So... sorry, man. You become fooled.
Nothing personal at all.
Simon · 652 weeks ago
RiceHigh 110p · 652 weeks ago
Nick · 652 weeks ago
The G · 652 weeks ago
So, you were saying?