Here are some of those reports, by different new K-5 users:-
1. Overexposure with 3 Different External Flashguns Except at ISO 100:
2. Out-Focusing and Inconsistency AF Issues with DA*55 and DA*50-135 SDM Lenses:
3. Un-Cooperative Auto ISO and Overexposure with Flash:
4. Stuck Shutter Release Button Overnight!
(Traditional Chinese, machine-translated English Here.)
5. Auto Rotation Not Working for Photos! (But it works for displaying status info in-camera!)
(Traditional Chinese, machine-translated English Here.)
(Yet Another new K-5 user reported that his unit suffered from the same problem.)
6. ISO 70 Bug(?):
(No further information is provided, though.)
7. Obvious Physically Short-sighted (by observing the lens' distance scale):-
(Traditional Chinese, machine-translated English Here.)
Well, this is just a great news for macro photographers, or it should be treated as a Bonus! ;-D
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Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Some Reported K-5 Faults (Defects and/or Bugs)
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Comments by IntenseDebate
Some Reported K-5 Faults (Defects and/or Bugs)
Exposure Accuracy|Flashes|Focusing Accuracy|Issues|K-5|Lenses|Quality Issues|SDM|Software|
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Zebooka · 750 weeks ago
Already bugs and QC issues?
That's the Pentax I know, hahaha!
Barbarosa · 750 weeks ago
who don't have bugs in firmware let trow first stone
RiceHigh 110p · 750 weeks ago
Chris · 750 weeks ago
Lucky for us, hardware companies don't charge for firmware updates (other than software companies, who mark a bugfix as an upgrade and charge for it).
So you can buy a device and - at least for mass products - be reasonably sure that major flaws will be resolved by the time the firmware reaches the ripe old age of 2 years .... and you can update for free.
Still annoying, but a fact of life to be accepted.
HiJoe · 750 weeks ago
RiceHigh 110p · 750 weeks ago
Guest · 750 weeks ago
Please let me know, what you think is best!
Barbarosa · 750 weeks ago
RiceHigh 110p · 750 weeks ago
demongamma 29p · 750 weeks ago
What says Rice here is something you can find everywhere on the internet: Flaming a product for 1 post in 1 random forum.
I've already a couple of friends that have bought the K5, I bought one myself, and did not find any of the problems listed in Rice's topic.
I don't know what is the point of a post like this. It is not the first in this blog, and I still don't get it... Spreading information that are not confirmed and find by only one or two persons...
There are a lot of people that already got their K5, and they are not posting anything geeks are looking for, they are shooting with their K5 and happy to do it.
Ronny · 750 weeks ago
Update: the poster adds a bit later "my K-5 and flash now appear to be working correctly in P-TTL mode. I don't know why, because I didn't change any settings"
2. Out-Focusing and Inconsistency AF Issues with DA*55 and DA*50-135 SDM Lenses:
Great if the guy would post 1 image showing the problem - guess a troll
3. Un-Cooperative Auto ISO and Overexposure with Flash:
looks like a problem, although it's with a Metz flash ... it's a bit early to put the blame on the camera
The others are all computer translated, what for me means that I don't even try to read them because such a translation is still not really readable.
So i'm still waiting for my K-5
demongamma 29p · 750 weeks ago
Eddie · 750 weeks ago
Jon · 750 weeks ago
buaobao · 750 weeks ago
buy a P&S (LOL)
RiceHigh 110p · 750 weeks ago
buaobao · 750 weeks ago
core-star · 750 weeks ago
I have found one more bug.
If you are using Auto ISO with relatively high MAX ISO setting and shoot in bright are in AvHyper or TvHyper,
you cannot open your aperture till wide open even shutter speed is far below 1/8000, or you cannot slow down shutter speed till smallest aperture.
And, the value you can set is linked proportionally to the MAX ISO you have set.
i.e. if you change MAX ISO one step down, then you can open aperture one step further, or you can slow down shutter speed for one step.
I also found this issue in K-7, but in TvHyper only. And why not it became a big problem in K-7? MAX ISO setting is the point.
In K-5, far more higher MAX ISO is acceptable compared to K-7, that means you set much lower MAX ISO in K-7 compared to K-5,
and it means the slowest shutter speed is much slower than that of K-5.
Well, just try it in your room shooting to the lights.
In fast lens,
Auto ISO (higher the MAX ISO, faster the slowest shutter speed limit),
and turn the front dial to left for TvHyper and slow down
then you will find that even the aperture is not hitting the limit such as F22, say F8 or so,
you will hit slowest shutter speed limit and you can slow down further.
btw, I love my K-5. It is great and have completely different feeling compared to K-7.
The but written above and small, tiny buffer memory are the only weak point I have found at the moment.
RiceHigh 110p · 750 weeks ago
Back to the Auto ISO bugs you've mentioned, under those circumstances, just switch to manual ISO, so as to avoid all the troubles.
orry · 750 weeks ago