Just see this latest headline news at the Dpreview.com, Sony has promptly made a major software update to the NEX firmware in respond to the criticisms previously made by the DPR as well as some of the NEX users as well, actually not very long ago.
The positive response to the "negative" comments from the Net Media/"Press" (and from the users as well) of Sony must be praised, which is invaluable and this proactive attitude is the right way of doing business and is the key to be successful in nowadays' keen competition of the market!
Well Done, Sony. Bravo! And, good and useful criticism made by the DPR, too. My thumb up!
Still, I can see endless fanboyism has been in action in the Sonyland. Fanboys of Sony have been jumping on DPR for their "negative" comments given in the NEX review.. Now, I would ask: Who get the benefits at the end as a result of such criticisms? Really plain stupid and childish for their silly acts afterall, I feel obliged to comment!
Just recently, I must recall Sony's official advisory note on the high-fever symptom of their "video" DSLRs, which is another example of a conscientious company that Sony has been! Btw, there are some "solutions" discovered / available on the net already. Just try it out if it works for *your* DSLR(s)! In fact, all DSLRs are suffered from the same problem, more so for the in-body IS/AS/SR bodies - do you think that your Pentax DSLR really be exempted from that problem? Really? Honestly speaking, Canon DSLRs also suffer more or less from the same under the video mode, by not as severe as those body-IS system which also generates *much* heat during operation. To take a worst example, if you still have a K20D or had one and used its Live View more often at just just higher temperature outdoor and for a bit longer, say, 3 to 5 minutes, then you will know it is just worse and you would see the thermometer warning symbol on display followed by cut-off soon! :-o
Now, look back at Pentax and the attitude of that Hoya behind, she is simply unable to respond to over a thousand of Pentaxians who just wished to have a firmware update of the choice of SDM or in-body AF for nearly one year now, as a suggested remedial to the uncured SDM unreliability issue, for such an open petition online. Indeed, everyone knew very well that such a software update is really simple and technically feasible, even for laymen. But, it is just "politically incorrect" in the eyes of the "authority", whom did not really want to think about of the consequences of ignoring their users / avoiding the problem in such a way and how sales are hurt as a result!
Speaking of the wide complaints of using AA batteries and the lack of red dots indication in the Pentax entry level DSLRs, Pentax should have done that back to the introduction of K-m in fall 2008, but unfortunately they didn't, which I did criticise about that AA battery issue since it was announced (actually long before that indeed) and of course I got many attacks back on me by particular "brand defenders" in return. Now after two years, at the fall of 2010, we finally have a new K-r with an "updated power system"! >:-| Then, those defenders suddenly have turned their attitude for praising for such an "improved" Lithium battery solution as a "new" offer and valuable from Pentax! Oh, really? - They should have done that Years Ago!!
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Tuesday, October 12, 2010
How a Company Respond Positively to Criticisms..
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Comments by IntenseDebate
How a Company Respond Positively to Criticisms..
ILDCs|Internet|Issues|K-m|K-r|K-x|K20D|Live View|Pentax|SDM|Sensors|Software|User Friendliness|
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arrkkkk · 752 weeks ago
RiceHigh 110p · 752 weeks ago
After all, I think it is not about different races, but just about different companies!
arrkkkk · 752 weeks ago
Richard · 752 weeks ago
It's a pity the manufacturers offering lithium systems didn't make available a decent travel kit with electrical adapters. If they exist I stand corrected, but I haven't seen one. Canon used to sell, and may still do so, an international AA charger kit which is very useful. I bought one for my Canon A60 p& S years ago, and happily use it for my K100D.
RiceHigh 110p · 752 weeks ago
Barbarosa · 752 weeks ago
If that is not advantage than what is? and if i can choose AA or LiIon that is true advantage, but I don't expect from Rice to admit, is hard to eat words back.
In islamic tradition word(opinion), when go out, is explained in form of raging bull who come out from inside of big rock than charge in that rock trying to go back in.
Don't let more bulls go out Rice.
Richard · 752 weeks ago
Carrying adapters etc is okay for lithium, but when travelling it just adds bulk. Easier to carry a cheap spare set of rechargeable AAs for only a few hundred shots on the K100D. More needed? Buy some lithium AAs locally at any supermarket.
Alex · 752 weeks ago
Are we forgetting e.g. about the K-7's firmware v.1.01? Hoya promptly responded to criticism re. the default usage of the directional/function buttons. It's not the most extensive U.I. change made via a firmware update, but it's maybe the most clear case of Hoya reacting to our wishes, in a firmware upgrade. For hardware, we have quite a few cameras that show the same trend (K-7, K-r...).
Or is that stupid petition all that matters? While the request itself (the firmware setting) is reasonable, the petition is another lie (so I couldn't sign it, even if I wouldn't mind having that setting). But that's another story...
RiceHigh 110p · 752 weeks ago
Alex · 752 weeks ago
There are no "thousands of Pentax users from Pentax and DPreview forums"; it barely managed to gather over 1000 signatures in quite a long time, while aggressively being promoted on certain forums/sites. And, despite saying "we have been very disappointed with your DA* lenses containing SDM auto focusing motor for a long time", this obviously isn't true for many of those who signed it - many of them didn't had a single SDM issue, maybe not even a single SDM lens.
Besides, most likely the SDM issue (certainly present in the early DA*s) is already fixed.
I'm in a world different than yours, RH; it is the world called "real life". In here, Pentax is not that bad.
RiceHigh 110p · 752 weeks ago
Alex · 752 weeks ago
RiceHigh 110p · 752 weeks ago
Alex · 752 weeks ago