See: http://www.dcfever.com/news/readnews.php?id=4537
(in Traditional Chinese, machine-translated English Page Here)
All test shots, no matter full sized or not, were made with the DA 17-70/4 SDM (Only) Lens on K-5. If you just want to download and see the full sized samples, go to near the end of the review, there are six samples to download, click the "Ori" links for the original samples.
Well, after inspecting all these six full samples and checked the EXIF data also, I would quickly comment that I am not impressed with the IQ of the lens and all those images produced by that K-5 combo especially at the base/low ISO of 200. I cannot really see very high per-pixel sharpness but only softness and I do not very like the colour response of all the images neither. The lens in fact does not produce very crisp, sharp and well-defined images, even when it has been stopped down to f/8 or something. When used near wide-opened, things could get even worse and it seems that the focusing accuracy is not adequate, which contributes also for even more softness at pixel level. After all, I am not sure it is just a problem of the lens or the K-5 body or both for those far less than ideal IQ!? But, it's what the final results that count, but nothing else!! Yet once again, if we are not convinced, we need to see more samples to conclude, in the near future..
Previous Related Posts:-
Photoble K-5 and K-r Full Samples
Some Initial Test Samples/Crops from New K-5 Users
K-5 Official Samples Secretly Uploaded at Pentax Japan
Richy · 751 weeks ago
Way to contradict every review of this lens I've ever read!
Alex · 751 weeks ago
"The Pentax lens was capable of delivering very impressive resolution figures in the MTF lab. At 17mm and 24mm the center performance is superb and the border quality is easily on a very good level. At f/4 the extreme borders are a little softer at 17mm but stopping down resolves the problem. At 40mm we've an evenly high center to border resolution distribution. There's a little performance drop at the extreme tele end of the zoom range. The center performance is still very good here whereas the border quality suffers a bit although it's still perfectly Ok even at max. aperture. The global sweet spot of the lens is reached around f/8." http://www.photozone.de/pentax/408-pentax_1770_4
And Klaus don't do Pentax any favours.
We also know the K-5 is capable of impressive results, so the camera isn't at fault either.
What's left, then? Anyone would guess? Yes, the review. Contrary to popular beliefs, negative reviews can be wrong.
BRunner · 751 weeks ago
But I'm really more and more impressed by the hig-iso performance. I definitely won't hesitate to use K5 at ISO6400. And YES, I'll very probably buy it, after the price goes closer to 1000€.
Anu · 751 weeks ago
Flatness (when deep DOF) is just in the processing - it has nothing to do about resolving ability, but about contrast and saturation, and those can be fixed in PP (albeit with some additional noise).
If I were not chronicly lacking money, I'd buy the camera easily as the large increase in DR at the base ISO alone (compared to my K20D) would warrant it. Maybe when K3 comes out I'll buy K5 ;)
johan · 751 weeks ago
Ronny · 751 weeks ago
After messing around with the raw data here posted a while back I'm sure this camera can do better in high iso.
But the even messed up they look better than what the samsung sensor produced.
Anu · 751 weeks ago
Sharpenesswise at f/8 I see absolutely nothing to complain, the details are there. One could of course add some USM/in camera sharpening if one likes to have more acuity.
Nubi · 751 weeks ago
Ronny · 751 weeks ago
And that makes me feel that somehow pentax is going in the correct direction.
Chris · 750 weeks ago
D King · 751 weeks ago
CantWaitToGetTheK5 · 751 weeks ago
Wow, what did Pentax ever do to you? Did Pentax spank you as a child? Is Canon or Nikon paying you to write all this bad press about Pentax? Did Pentax break your heart? Did Pentax cheat on you and then dumped you? What happened to make you hate Pentax?
Chris · 750 weeks ago
That would explain it.
PS. In my opinion and for my taste, Pentax builds the DSLR camera with the smallest size, the best color response, a set of small and wonderful prime lenses, at a totally acceptable price. I also can't wait to get my K-5.
OGL · 750 weeks ago
Siang Boon · 750 weeks ago