by Chun Juan, see more photos here.
It can be seen that officially the Pentax Q is intended for the girls and ladies, but not for men, quite possibly.
Do also note that all the above photos were made with the Full Frame Sony A900 and lenses, but not by the Q, nevertheless. The shallow DoF (Depth of Field) already indicates that it is not by the Q, very obviously.
Victor · 708 weeks ago
R.I.P. Pentax · 708 weeks ago
If the 645D is so great, it should have been used. Pentax should have insisted knowing how EXIF data can be read from digital files.
R.I.P. Pentax. A lot of Pentax customers left to buy Sony, Canon and Nikon FullFrame DSLR's.
I've never seen a company work so hard to give away market share.
COMPLETE Ineptness.
Pentax has nothing to offer anyone that takes photography seriously. Just dinosaurs and cheapskate.
Turn the lights off when you're done.
Alex · 708 weeks ago
- Pentax never said that FF is not needed. What they said (some time ago) was that FF wasn't a priority.
- Those images are not made by Pentax. They hired a company that does such stuff (Pentax, if you don't know, is more on the camera making business rather than advertising). Should they even care what tools were used, instead of the end result?
Let me guess, you have a cheap canikon with the kit lens?
Michael A. · 708 weeks ago
Ying · 708 weeks ago
Mostly all these PR syle shots are done by an out of the house agency. Pentax can't dictate what camera gear the Ad agent use.
Fred · 708 weeks ago
"Here's a 645D and some lenses. Use it."
Inept is the right word. At the Q is targeted at the inept.
Warpig · 708 weeks ago
Sorry Rice for the personal attack, but it bothers me when someone threat a woman as "inept".
RiceHigh 110p · 708 weeks ago
Warpig · 707 weeks ago
AlexS · 708 weeks ago
A. To get the results they need
B. To make you stop bitching about a non-issue
By the way, asking (not dictating - FFS, it's just a regular commercial contract) them to test new, different brand equipment with which they're completely unfamiliar during a $$$ photoshoot is such a great idea. NOT!
R.I.P. Pentax · 708 weeks ago
Andrew Munster · 698 weeks ago
RiceHigh 110p · 698 weeks ago
Andrew Munster · 698 weeks ago