Web Analytics RiceHigh's Pentax Blog: Fuji X10 is Around the Corner

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Fuji X10 is Around the Corner

via http://photorumors.com/2011/08/27/fuji-x10x50-detailed-specs-leaked/

The list of leaked specs are as follows:-
  • Bright, high resolution, Fujinon f/2.0-2.8 lens
  • Manual 4x optical zoom lens (7.1 - 28.4mm*)
  • Optical zoom viewfinder
  • 12 MP 2/3 inch EXR CMOS sensor
  • EXR Processor
  • Manual shooting modes
  • RAW capabilities
  • Up to 10fps
  • Retro design with magnesium alloy body
  • Full HD 1080p movies with stereo sound
  • Manual pop-up flash
  • Dedicated hotshoe
  • High contrast 2.8″ 460k LCD monitor
  • 1cm super macro mode
  • Motion Panorama 360 degrees
  • Auto Bracketing Functions
* The 135 film equivalent focal and angle-of-view is about 26 to 104mm according to my own calculation based on the sensor size.

The above highlighted features just blow the Pentax Q out of the water, as it has none of these and there is nothing comparable! :-(

Next, look also at the (just leaked) top and back views of the X10:-

via Photo Rumors

And two additions to the specs:-

  • High Speed Contrast Detection Auto-Focus
  • High Sensitivity – Up to 12,800 ISO Settings (Up to 3200 ISO in Max Resolution)

  • Oh well, the Q is in trouble water again, deeper and deeper! :-o

    Don't believe it? It is rumoured that the X10 will be sold at about half of the price of the Q basic prime kit. So, what will you choose, if you just need such an advanced P&S? Okay, let's vote!

    Advanced DC Selection: What Will You Choose?
    Pentax Q
    Fuji X10
    Canon G12
    Sony NEX-C3
    Panasonic GF3
    Olympus E-PL3
    None of the Above!
    pollcode.com free polls

    Update (8-31): Below is a size comparison of the X10 against his big brother X100:-

    (Source: http://blog.livedoor.jp/e_p1/archives/51733468.html)

    Seems not to be small anyway..

    Comments (12)

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    ...like a bridge over troubled water...
    Yes, a cam that isn't even announced will of course blow any cam out of the water... i believe...
    Rice, calm down. Lets face it: Different target audience!
    1 reply · active 706 weeks ago
    As I have said before, the Pentax Q is targeted at those super novice camera users who knew nothing but just want to have an interchangeable lens DC just for the sake of the lenses are being interchangeable! But for a responsible camera maker, I don't think this kind of product with just so many technical limitations or simply the huge basic engineering non-sense behind should be made! Especially considered that such a high price is demanded, which makes everything become utter stupid afterall!
    Built-in optical finder, I buy.
    No built-in optical finder, I don't.
    Look nice, but disappointed with the size of the sensor. I bet it is not cheap too :(

    I am waiting for Nikon mirrorless camera :)
    3 replies · active 706 weeks ago
    The sensor size is larger than that of the G12, XZ-1, LX5 and of course the Pentax Q's!
    Yes, but it's an EXR. Look around any EXR model at the marked "high resolution" and tell me if they look good. They have a lot of artifacts most likely as a result of the special Bayer arrangement.

    On the other hand at 1/2 the resolution they pack decent DR.
    That said this is a new sensor from them for this camera, with (apparently) a high quality lens and they probably improved their processing of EXR Bayer arrangement data.
    Here are some more details:

    •28-112mm f2,0-2,8 lens, 11 elements in 9 groups, 3 aspherical 2 ED. Lens stabilization moving 5 of the elements
    •Optical viewfinder coupled with the zoom, 3 glass elements and 2 glass prisms
    •zoom ring acts as an on/off switch
    •0.8s startup
    I would have agreed with you initially particular from what I heard it's coming, but look at EXR shots from Fuji cameras- at 12 MP's they have some issues/artifacts. It's more like a 6 MP camera- which can still be very nice, but Fuji would have to work a bit more on how they process their EXR sensor, in my opinion, to match what I am seeing from the Pentax official samples.
    crop factor 3.93 - 7.1*3.93 = 28 mm
    28 - 112 mm eq. of lens

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