Web Analytics RiceHigh's Pentax Blog: FAQ: How to Enter the Debug Mode with K-5 and K-r?

Friday, August 12, 2011

FAQ: How to Enter the Debug Mode with K-5 and K-r?

This very same question has been asked frequently. But I am afraid that the answer is still negative, that is, no one except Pentax knows how to do it up till now, and there is no leak so far. However, many K-5 and K-r users still ask for the solution from time to time, here are two examples:-

For the K-5: http://www.pentaxforums.com/forums/pentax-k-5-forum/123205-pentax-k-5-debug-mode.html

For the K-r: http://www.pentaxforums.com/forums/pentax-k-r-forum/145929-excuse-me-did-research-debug-mode-penta-k-r-come-out-thank.html

In fact, since the "modset" file extension numbers for the K-5 and K-r in entering the debug mode were discovered, people have tried almost all the possible combinations of tricks such as SD card door opening/closing, pressing of different buttons while booting up and etc., but their efforts were all in vain.

In particular, the second OP who asked for the K-r debug mode entering method had actually tried the file extension from 000 to 999 and played with all tricks but he was yet unsuccessful. So, he registered at the PentaxForums and wrote his first post, but very shortly afterwards, he was banned! (Actually it should use the word *prosecuted* to describe!) >:-[

People were then asking why but no Mod nor Admin of the PF nor the site owner Adam answered the question! :-o

That's just ridiculous afterall. But anyway, I think I should thank Adam for letting a Blog link of mine remains in that post, unlike for a previous certain long period that when any member of the PF posted any of my links, they had to be removed almost immediately. Thank you, Adam! ;-D

So, back to the question for why debug mode for K-5 and K-r is still required. It is just because the built-in "AF Fine Adjustment" is simply inadequate for many cases and those affected K-5 and K-r users did and do want to have more, so as to correct the large AF errors of their bodies which are surely yet highly undesirable.


K-x Debug Mode Tutorial - AF Adjustment

Important K-7 Debug Mode Activation Note

K-m Debug Mode Unleashed! (For AF Correction)

K10D Firmware 1.3 Debug Mode Unleashed

Stupid Censorship and Means of the PentaxForums (and the Dictatorship plus Hypocrisy Behind)

URL Blocking War Between DPR and PentaxForums

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Frédéric's avatar

Frédéric · 709 weeks ago

About "built-in "AF Fine Adjustment" is simply inadequate for many cases" , please read this post I found yesterday on a web site: http://ricehigh.blogspot.com/2011/08/af-s-speed-a...
1 reply · active 708 weeks ago
Yes, you're absolutely right. All Pentax DSLRs are created perfectly. They work flawlessly under every situation and every unit is as accurate!
It's definitely not MODSET. It looks like 8 digit number with extension 505

Try 16913678.505 may be
1 reply · active 708 weeks ago
Your given number does not work!
ProudPagan's avatar

ProudPagan · 589 weeks ago

Any debug mode available for Pentax K-50?
2 replies · active 589 weeks ago
Try the latest version of PK Tether. I am not sure if it works or not!
ProudPagan's avatar

ProudPagan · 589 weeks ago

I tried the latest PK Tether version 0.7 -- the program crashes when the camera is connected via USB and powered on. I have tried on both Windows 7 and Windows XP.
ProudPagan's avatar

ProudPagan · 589 weeks ago

I tried the latest PK Tether version 0.7 -- the program crashes when the camera is connected via USB and powered on. I have tried on both Windows 7 and Windows XP.
1 reply · active 589 weeks ago
So, the latest Pentax cameras are not supported.

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