My previous reported rumour about the D7000 is correct and the specs are mostly true. Here are two of the latest news reports (at DPR and the Japanese DC Watch). Let's wait for Pentax' take with the K-5 announcement on next Monday. In fact, the K-5 shares the same Sony HD CMOS sensor as the D7000's and the specifications are quite similar.
It's not bad to have a D7000 equivalence in the Pentaxland afterall, although the K-5 should be a bit dearer. But we have no choice, right? We won't yet build another *system* (I have so many already!) just because of the "little" price difference?! :-o
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Wednesday, September 15, 2010
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Comments by IntenseDebate
D7000 is Already There! Let's Wait for Pentax' Take on Monday for the K-5!!
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frank d · 756 weeks ago
Zebooka · 756 weeks ago
It is almost 99% true now that I will sell all my and wife's Pentax gear and by that Nikon for her for work.
For first time. Then D700/D800 as primary FX camera and D7000 will become secondary an mine.
I will continue with Canon s95 for jenre spy shooting of nearby life.
It is sad that Pentax can't compete well and always looses something.
frank d · 756 weeks ago
The grass might be greener on the other side but it also smells like fertilizer.
Barbarosa · 756 weeks ago
david · 756 weeks ago
"The Pentax K7, which has slipped into the D7000's class by virtue of its current asking price, combines handling qualities of both the D7000 and the two Canons, and is arguably one of the most pleasant DSLRs of its type to hold and use."
Since I can get a K7 for $400 less than the projected price of the D7000, I would say that is still a good deal.
If Pentax could make some more subtle updates to the AF of the K7, as well as some additions to its video recording capability, it could really take some business from the hole the not-yet-departed D90 will leave.
Michael A. · 756 weeks ago
Ben · 756 weeks ago
Boris OGL · 756 weeks ago
But I never buy Nikon, because Nikon and Canon's cameras are ugly. Not beautiful. Very plain and frigid. Not sex appeal.
As for price D7000 - Pentax can offer new K-r for $800, K-7 for $900. If K-5 will be $1500, I don't see any problem.
Richard · 756 weeks ago
Nikon has set its own models against each other and posed a major challenge for Canon. At the least, the new Pentax K5? will fit in this gap for many people because it is a definite upgrade to one model, whereas Nikon and Canon appear to be remapping their line-up without introducing anything drastically new.
The Canon 60D is not an improvement, body-wise, over the 50D, and is not much different to its excellent 550D. Apart from video and price, the D7000 is not an improvement over the D300s, but improves on the D90.
Who's confused?
Richard · 756 weeks ago
R.E. · 756 weeks ago
Eddie · 756 weeks ago
Eddie · 755 weeks ago
Since i have a lot of limited lenses and old glass from Pentax i'll wait for the K-5.
AF problems with my K20 and my SMC 31mm 1.8 hopefully belong to the past then.
It is really anoying sometimes to have AF problems with such a HQ lens!
Richard · 755 weeks ago
My collection of old and new Pentax and other makes of lenses would never make me seriously drop Pentax.
Not to mention Pentax film cameras which I occasionally use.
Good luck with the K5 and the 31mm 1.8.