The Korean Popco.net strikes again, here is the quick side-by-side shootout!
(in Korean)
Well, there is no surprise, the ISO 12800 of the K-5 is even better than the ISO 6400 of the K-7. But as we all knew, higher ISOs of the K-7 actually, suck! Not even to mention the obviously better colour accuracy and more favourable colour response of the K-5 (and sensor) that can be seen.
Well, the hard fact is that the culprit should be the sensor. So it's not solely the fault of Pentax, except that they chose the sensor wrongly for the K-7! For a very wrong sensor.. :-(
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Korean Popco.net K-5 Hands-on Preview
frank d · 755 weeks ago
adonishong · 755 weeks ago
Michael A. · 755 weeks ago
Another important feature about the K-5 is that it's shutter is noticeable quieter than the already quiet one in K-7. That sealed the deal for me to pre-order it. As much as I like the (no chips) Navy K-x, the louder shutter occasionally chased away some skittish creatures, which can get annoying...
RiceHigh 110p · 755 weeks ago
I think I would buy the K-5 eventually. But I just want a Silver version this time and hope Pentax will make one sooner and I shall wait for it. The DA 18-135 kit is my target!
As for the Navy K-x, as told in the opening post, I have got two different units across a month already but with no luck. As R.E. has also pointed out, it is a design plus manufacturing fault afterall and my bet is that the chips will appear just sooner or later. Good luck to you anyway, Michael! :-)
Michael A. · 755 weeks ago
RiceHigh 110p · 755 weeks ago
Michael A. · 754 weeks ago
risinsun · 755 weeks ago
I'll finally be able to replace my Pentax K1000D Super :)
so people, be happpyyyy :)
RiceHigh 110p · 755 weeks ago
risinsun · 755 weeks ago
I'll be at the kina tomorrow! can't wait!
BRunner · 755 weeks ago
RiceHigh 110p · 755 weeks ago
rhermans · 755 weeks ago
I'm just curious how long Samsung is going to stick to it's sensor when the Sony is scoring higher. Just glad they stopped working together with Pentax ;)
RiceHigh 110p · 755 weeks ago
bandymelis · 755 weeks ago
Michael A. · 754 weeks ago
Personally, I even skipped K10D in addition to K20D and K-7. New istD for $400 was good enough at the time of just released K10D and is still working fine with a few easily correctable hot pixels. All are nice cameras if you learned their strengths. But K-5 looks like the real McCoy since it has those few essential extras what almost "perfect" K-7 was missing.
As always, many will just drool and dream over K-5 and others will get it... Pentax, same as N&C or other makers, cannot produce more nicer cameras if everybody will just wait what's next... :o)
Chris · 755 weeks ago
Life is good. You guys should appreciate more what you have than what you're missing.
The K-7 is an exceptional camera.
david · 755 weeks ago
I believe the K7 was not finished when it was released, but feel the firmware updates have made it a really good camera, and all this sensor hate doesn't seem justified.
Chris · 754 weeks ago
risinsun · 754 weeks ago
I shall then proceed to purchase (for christmas probably) ;)
Michael A. · 754 weeks ago