(in Japanese)
My Pardon? What? Pentax finally willing to adopt a Lithium battery in their entry level DSLR?! Big and great news!? Pentax has finally made this BIG achievement Only After Seven Years of prolonged pain of all those pathetic Pentax AA DSLR users! Yes, for Seven Years!! In fact, many of us have been complaining the problem during this lengthy time, since the first *ist D. I just wish to ask that How Many of those unsatisfied users and customers have gone during this prolonged period just because of this annoying but long-lasting issue? Do note that not so many of those Pentaxians are as loyal as me and still stick to the brand while suffering! :-o (Stupid Me! >:-(( )
Besides, the K-r uses the same old Sony 12.4M CMOS sensor that the K-x has. So, there is no incentive for K-x users to "upgrade"!
Moreover, the K-r is actually somehow bigger than the K-x and is a little bit heavier without battery.
Next, the new DA(L) 35 is slow, with a maximum aperture of 2.4 only. It is all plastic construction including the mount and there is no focus/distance scale and no Quick Shift Focus neither. Frankly, the lens conforms 100% to the DAL and kit lenses' Specifications and should have been called/named a DAL instead of a DA! It is not particularly small nor super lightweight (something similar to the old A50/2 or the FA43/1.9 etc.). In fact, Samsung and Panasonic's similar offerings (i.e., NX 30mm and m4/3 20mm pancakes) are just smaller and lighter. Furthermore, there is no information for whether this new lens would have 135 Full Frame coverage or NOT, as it is just a DA lens afterall! The final thing is that it is not particularly cheap in the competition. Even when it is compared to the FA 35/2 sold in the old days, when Hoya had not crazily increased the prices of the current not-yet-discontinued Pentax lenses, the FA 35/2 was indeed not much more expensive!
Moreover, the claimed "natural perspective similar to that of the naked eye" is a LIE. How is a lens with an effective 135 film focal of 54mm could be described like this? Pentax marketed and described the FA 43 Limited in exact wording back to 1999. So, which one is true? >:-|
Last but not least, the previously rumoured DAL 18-125/3.5-5.6 has not yet appeared in today's announcements. Why? Just because the rumour was false, or, the announcement is postponed?
As for the new Optios, I have no interest in these. So, just forget about them!
Well, you may have a different view than mine.. No problem, here is a new poll I have just created. Just vote and we will know about how people and Pentaxians think/react:-
[ Poll Page URLs:-
Vote: http://poll.pollcode.com/VBME
Results: http://poll.pollcode.com/VBME_result ]
Anyway, the next Pentax announcement will be on September 20, let's wait and see again! :-)
Update: 1001 Noisy Cameras have compiled a nice summary on the K-r previews and netsphere reactions, go check it:-
Besides, there are 12 colours to be chosen from for the new DAL prime, here is a screen capture from a Japanese online shop, whom accepts back orders now:-

The street price is not cheap, though, in 24,800 Japanese Yen, which is nearly $300 US Dollars! :-o
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