It's a 15.36 MP x 3 Layers (~46MPs) Foveon Sensor in APS-C size, finally (but not 1.7X!). But since Foveon and the Sigma combination and combos had been proved to be a marketing failure in the past. I just wonder, if it really works for Sigma (and Foveon, which was acquired anyway) this time?!
Btw, I admire much the insistence and courage of Sigma the company. But however, I am not optimistic about the sales of this new camera, even it is meant to be a "flagship" (which still falls short of many things for being more updating)!
bookey · 755 weeks ago
Now I think Foveon have a really strong contender. To bad that Sigma is not the most adopted DSLR brand around (camera wise). Wish them all the best.
RiceHigh 110p · 755 weeks ago
Michael A. · 755 weeks ago
RiceHigh 110p · 755 weeks ago
rhermans · 755 weeks ago
Anu · 755 weeks ago
However, this new sensor not only shows how little DPReview staff understands photographing equipments (by calling is 46Mp sensor/camera, ignoring the differense of the definitions between pixel and photosite. Also it gives a very strong resolution by contemporary standards, though the lacking AA-filter will still ugly lego blocks when magnified lots (lots = more than 99% of shooters ever magnify they images).
In short: excellent resolution and almost certainly a dog in pretty much all other aspects.
OGL · 755 weeks ago
Oodini · 755 weeks ago
"photosite" doesn't mean anything. Use "photodiode" if you wish...