This should be of no hoax and it should be no more a rumour, I think. The chance of making an error at this type of website is minimal. So, it should be true, which is almost certain! (I guess the item would be deleted very soon upon request, too! Let's see! ;-))
At a price of 400 Euros more, does it really worth it btw? Do note that it is considerably more expensive than the Canon EF-S 18-135, although now the Pentax version is Water Resisted.
Update (9-20): Here is a photo of it:-

frank d · 756 weeks ago
rhermans · 756 weeks ago
Amazi · 756 weeks ago
Seraf · 756 weeks ago
Mistral75 · 756 weeks ago
Moritz Schwertner · 756 weeks ago
Let's all just wait and see, shall we?
Michael A. · 756 weeks ago
Mistral75 · 756 weeks ago
Michael A. · 756 weeks ago
Moritz Schwertner · 756 weeks ago
"Do note that it is considerably more expensive than the Canon EF-S 18-135, although now the Pentax version is Water Resisted."
Where are you taking your Informations from?!? On german Amazon the 18-135 IS from Canon costs a whopping 354,90€ without the hood. The hood sells sepratly, for another 30 bucks. Now we are getting pretty close, aren't we? Do note that the Amazon Prices were the direct AMAZON Prices, not the ones from Marketplace. In a local store you would easily pay up to 50€ more for the lens only. Okay, now to the Nikon Lens. The Nikon one is currently out-of-stock, but still costs 200€ used. On Amazon America it costs what? 479,95$! Wow! Surprised? There's even another auction for one which has the whopping price of 699,95$! I have a Friend which shoots with the D5000 and a 18-135 VR, and he paid 440€ for the Nikon one. But well, the Pentax is Weather Sealed. Even for everyday shooters this is a huge, and by that I really mean that, benefit. No more raincovers, assuming you use either a K10, K20, K200 or K7, and of course the K-5.
Also keep in mind that the prices will change, trust me! Only because one site, and a bad one from what I can tell you (because I am from germany and know my sources), is reporting it doesn't make the prices true. Wait until Photokina or stop bitchin' about prices that are still unconfirmend and solely based on facts that are still rumours. You should be worried, as I am too, but don't start flaming (yes, it is flaming) until there are facts. There are some Sites relying up on your estimations and you shouldn't be too harsh on Pentax. Maybe some confused shopper exidentaly finds your blog, reads some of the bad posts here and doesn't buy a Pentax because of facts that are not true. And I can't believe you really want that, do you?
Greetings from germany,
Moritz Schwertner
Michael A. · 756 weeks ago
ArcticExposure 45p · 756 weeks ago
Michael A. · 756 weeks ago
anonymous · 756 weeks ago
Is this the same lens tested at lenstip? http://www.lenstip.com/222.11-Lens_review-Tokina_...
RiceHigh 110p · 756 weeks ago
Michael A. · 756 weeks ago
RiceHigh 110p · 756 weeks ago
As for Ned, I guess he is all right but is just too busy to deal with the new Pentax releases.
Michael A. · 756 weeks ago
Ded · 756 weeks ago
RiceHigh 110p · 756 weeks ago
Walter · 756 weeks ago
Mistral75 · 756 weeks ago
K-5 rumoured MRP: €1,399.
This seems hard to sustain.
Barbarosa · 756 weeks ago
WR and couple more tricks from K-7 like horizon alignment or something like that will make him pricier
OGL · 755 weeks ago
new DC motor
it's not Tokina, it's new optical design from Pentax.