Someone posted at the PF has found out that a -100 um correction in Debug mode is actually corresponding to -10 in the AF Fine Adjust menu. This actually coincides with my own experience and it would be somehow safe to conclude that ONE AF Fine Adjust correction unit corresponds to 10 um. That's why some Pentaxians were complaining about the inadequacy of this +/-10 units when some of their lenses were used on their Pentax DSLRs of which those combinations had even larger errors than the allowed correction range!
So, thanks to the author of the PK Tether, every Pentax DSLR user, including all those K-5 and K-r people, can now "debug" his/her own Pentax DSLR up to own's satisfaction, no matter how!
All Previous Related:-
Focus Adjust the K-5 and Pentax AF Lenses with Live View
Successfully Open the Debug Mode of My K-r! :-)
K-5 and K-r Debug Mode Unleashed, Finally!
K-x Debug Mode Tutorial - AF Adjustment
UPDATED: New Method to Access the Debug Mode of Various Pentax DSLRs
K-m Debug Mode Unleashed! (For AF Correction)
K10D Firmware 1.3 Debug Mode Unleashed