Reason(s)? Just because Lance wants and needs a Full Frame, which Pentax lacks! :-o :-( That's what Ned Bunnell could do nothing for stopping the official Pentaxian from buying another brand! (and might eventually switch completely!) ;-D
Last time, Lance still told us that he just didn't want a D700 after hands-on trial just because he considered that it was still too large and heavy. But now..?! I think he simply couldn't resist and help himself afterall! >:-|
Update: Lance has started dumping the APS-C DSLR and lens system(s)! Just see his this recent reply post:-
Quoted, "Well, there is no APS C that is a comparison in IQ or build to the 24-70 f2.8 Nikon lens that delivers the results. This is a true pro grade lens. This is the type of lens that I asked this very forum about, about 12 months ago. I wanted to know if anyone would be interested in a lens of this very calibre but only a few said they would be. Here is my original question:
Most poo pooed the idea, which is fine, but I wanted such a lens and teamed with FF in the form of the D700, it works."
Well, when Lance thinks that how perfect his D700 + Nikkor 24-70 would be, I bet he just hasn't read my blog and seen this shootout (A850 + Sigma 24-70/2.8 Vs D700 + Nikkor 24-70/2.8) yet! The A850 simply wins hands down in terms of resolution and picture quality, even just with a Sigma! So? ;-D
Besides, I've heard in the wild from different sources that the D700 will soon be replaced by Nikon by the end of this year. So, I really feel very lucky for Lance that he has been able to get his "perfect" Nikon Full Frame body just right before that he will not be able to buy it anymore, when it is discontinued! Lol.. :=D
Last (but yet quite recent) Story:-
Super (Die-hard/Brand-blinded) Fanboys Switched! :-o
Michael A. · 771 weeks ago
ArcticExposure 45p · 771 weeks ago
Unless I for some reason can afford the 645D, there must be some kind of incredible camera to arrive for me to switch the K-x with something else :P
Barbarosa · 771 weeks ago
is easiest way to blame gear for bad photos, than U spend couple thousands on other brand and u can't afford to say gear is wrong choice.
D700 better than K7 · 771 weeks ago
I'd say that makes Lance Pentaxian of the Year, not 2010 though.
I bet his free pentax gear days are over.
Daddy Puff · 771 weeks ago
Neil · 770 weeks ago
If you look back at Ned Bunnels blog, he himself bought a Leica camera for the same reason that pentax doesnt have a model that is similar spec and feature.
neil · 770 weeks ago
If Lance bought a D90 or similar which is a direct competitor, then that is different, but he didnt. He bought in to a model that pentax dont have and if you want or need that extra performance than pentax offers at this time, then you have to go sony canon or nikon, and be prepared to pay the price for it as well.
Will the 645D fill this gap, no it wont. Do pentax need a D700 type of camera, yes they do, for the people that are prepared to make the next step. How soon do they need it, asap, fo no other reason than they loose sales to people in this segment- only.
Walter · 769 weeks ago
It appears that those who can afford better cameras than what Pentax currently makes are immediately shot down by Pentaxians.
Comments like this: "Agreed Barbarosa. Mind you Lance has some nice photos of some pool cues and a toy tiger that he would have struggled to get with his Pentax gear :) " are more about jealousy than anything else.
If all you can afford are entry level cameras and lenses, don't begrudge those who can (and do) buy pro-level gear!
Walter · 769 weeks ago
BTW, I put a bunch of photos in the PPG when it first started up, but stopped bothering when the standards were drastically reduced.
Walter · 769 weeks ago
"Don't care to share your challenge average?" is what I wrote.
You apparently can't discern between the words "challenge average" and your interpretation - "photos".
So sad...
Ben · 769 weeks ago