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Monday, May 24, 2010

If You Were Pentax, What Would You Do Now? (Poll)

If You Were Pentax, What Would You Do Now?
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Since Pentax does have very limited resources and Hoya has been very cost conscious, I suppose Pentax cannot do them all at a time. Do choose the way/option that Pentax should go and do it first. The (right) thing that you think Pentax should give it the priority should receive your vote!

Update (5-27): There are 351 votes received so far in about 72 hours. Just let me have a quick summary on the results up till now..

The Full Frame group wins (by a fraction) this time! For most of the Pentaxians who've voted, in 40%, want a new Full Frame DSLR from Pentax. The next group is 37% of the people who still want Pentax to concentrate on APS-C and make better DSLRs in the 1.5X crop factor. And not to my total surprise, the poll also proves that there is always a potential market for the EVIL, there are 17% of the people just want an EVIL from Pentax!

And then, the remaining two choices are actually the minorities. both in only 3%, respectively. The funniest thing is that the results show that there is no difference for Pentax going digital MF from rather just sitting there and wait to die! :-o Lol.. ;-D

Last but not least, if you haven't voted, you can continue to make your choice here. It would be interesting to see if the results could be changed later! :-)

Read Also:-

Can Pentax DSLRs be Made Thinner?

Now, Everyone Has EVIL Except the Big Boys! ;-)

Comments (11)

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You know, I look at my fathers old Zenit film camera and wonder - is it too much to ask - the same classic and small proportions body containing full frame sensor and 50mm lens? Why do all full frame digital cameras up to date (except Leica M9) are monstrous bricks? Is there a niche market here? And please pentax dump the stupid mirror box already, I know lots of people love it but I'm sure that there are many lik me - hating to walk around with dslr sticked to a face, no easy above-head shots, no easy from the ground shots. Phisically constraining technology from 19xx what year? So my vote definitely goes to EVIL and even better it be full frame. (Though I probably won't be able to afford it but still)
2 replies · active 772 weeks ago
you're nothing but lip service...it should be full frame but i probably won't be able to afford it...you're a joke.
Frank, be human, no personal attack please (if you really want to have a discussion!).
its funny how Pentax just can't win...people crying for Pentax to go bigger with full frame and people crying for Pentax to go smaller with EVIL...I hate mirror less cameras they suck to use in full sun light as the screen disappears. An electronic view finder is nothing but a big big Joke...to anyone who's really into photography...how is anyone suppose to see light in a real way using an electronic view finder please. I hear more people whining about what Pentax should do and these people aren't even out there taking pictures. I say get what ever camera you can get and go shoot. the EVIL system is a waste of time since its only a bit smaller than the kx and those EVIL cameras are so delicate.
2 replies · active 772 weeks ago
"in full sun light as the screen disappears" Google for reviews on super-amoled. Modern technologies comes in leaps and you plan to stick to mirror for how long?

"how is anyone suppose to see light in a real way using an electronic view finder please" Actually in electronic viewfinder you seeing the exact picture before you take the shot, so you can adjucts brightness or wb before taking picture, not doing the shot then reviewing just to see that wb or exposure is off. dslrs are such a joke (probably youre favourite phrase, right)

"I hear more people whining about what Pentax should do and these people aren't even out there taking pictures"
How do you decide who takes pictures and who is not?

Evil is not only for the size advantage (althoug they do have advantage) but also for convienience. But it's probably not worth starting a debate at least with such unpolite person
On the viewfinder advantage alone, optical finder is still my choice for its clarity under bright light and at low light. As for exposure and WB, I shall look at these at the monitor with the review function. The real advantage of the EVIL is its size and its efficiency and is actually an ideal travelling camera, I believe.
And i'd prefer that mystical pentax FF body or which i would prefer better make a 645D with price around 2000$ and so on so my LBA would come to a new level:P Anyway what pentax will make will be fine with me but i think they should introduce at least 2 new bodies. A hi-spec aps-c, small durable and bigger less spec full frame. Why FF camera should have less spec? becouse there would be hardlly anyone who'll buy it for the bigger price.

Just my 2c
1 reply · active less than 1 minute ago
Michael A.'s avatar

Michael A. · 772 weeks ago

Second that Seraf. Without a nice mirror viewfinder, there is no privacy and w/o privacy, composition goes to hell...that might be why they call it EVIL... It's like with food, we all have a bit different taste; so there should be a room around the table for all of us. Since Pentax perhaps can do only 2-3 systems, forget that silly toy like evil.... If anyone wants one, get it now from another maker. No need to wait and moan about it...
I like Pentax to go for EVIL system and K mount, to get advantage of Pentax pancake lenses. :)
I agree with Enche. I've been saying that for some time. Pentax put the sensor as far back as possible and use an ultra-thin OLED, the body could be made not too thick while still accommodating the K-mount.

However, while I voted A (based on the priority being a financially-beneficial business decision by Hoya), I dislike using LCD viewfinders.

A pentaprism viewfinder like that in the K-7 mated to a K-x sensor would be my #1 request. If Pentax released this "K-5" at US$700 (body only), they'd make hay. And, yes, it should be weather-sealed. It would be silly to give up this marketing advantage associated with the Pentax brand for the sake of a few $$$. I'd be perfectly happy if this camera used AA's btw.

While I love FF (I really enjoyed playing with a friend's 5D MkII with a 24mm/1.4 last weekend), technology is advancing at such a rapid rate that the benefits of FF are rapidly diminishing.
1 reply · active less than 1 minute ago
True, initially, most people want to go FF because of lack of noise in high ISO, and image resolution. I was playing with Canon 7D (18 mp) and quite surprised that ISO 6400 is very acceptable! and it is easy to remove color/luminance noise through software like Lightroom.

FF optimized lenses are much more expensive to produce. Furthermore, the crop factor will help on shooting far away subjects.

The only advantage of FF cameras today is in depth of field and larger viewfinder. It might not be very significant because there are plenty prime lenses that have big aperture plus most people can live with pentaprism 100% coverage viewfinder.

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