Richard Day:-
Now, even the (Only) Official Pentaxian of the Year is looking at the Nikon system:-
And, this reply from Peter Jonkman is really funny (but yet very true!):-
Quoted, "Lance, thank you for posting this. Please also forward the link to Ned Bunnell. If I were Pentax, I'd be scratcing my head now. I mean --- the founder of LBA (at least the acronym
"I have been seriously considering the Canon EOS 5D MkII because of the short registration distance. A Nikon would render most of my precious M42 lenses useless. There's no substitution for full frame - once you have seen the large and bright viewfinder and noisefree images then there's no way back.
However, I'll just wait for the coming Photokina. September is very close; they better come up with something serious or my 26-year relationship with Pentax will come to an end this year. Too bad, as Pentax makes the best bodies with regards to the user interface, IMHO."
Wow, my "dearest" Steve and Richard, well done, I still have to say! Your hard and non-stopping works and wonderful works for protecting the brand (and attacking the others) these years must be highly praised! I take my this last opportunity to put my deep appreciation, as from a Pentaxian, here! Bye, guys, and there yet will be another two "die-hard" Nikonians and brand guards anyway! (Until next time they switched to Canon or Sony or any brand else, suddenly! ;-D Maybe again after several years or not forever?!)
Now, what wait for our watch for the coming show is that: Will our Official Pentaxian Lance B switch? Hey Ned, now it's Your Take!! (To do something immediately and urgently to retain the Only Pentaxian (at least whom is officially recognised!) from switching!! And to avoid the Crisis!!)
Well, life is really full of surprises. And sometimes reallife shows are even far more entertaining than those dramas and films that are actually unreal! :-o :-)
Update (5-30): Lance has purchased the D700 finally!
Alma · 774 weeks ago
Enche Tjin · 774 weeks ago
Because of those decisions, it might not satisfy a few fanboys who want a FF format DSLR.
But losing those fundamentalists are not a big deal for Pentax, and I think Pentax should concentrate more on bringing best quality / innovative product they can for the next few months rather than distracted with a few fanboys changing gears.
For example, K7 is not as success as Kx because of quality of the sensor. You just can't conceal those weaknesses in democratized media era. If you deliver great product, people will talk good about it and many will buy.
Buyers constantly looking for honest reviews not fanboys' opinions.
Jon · 774 weeks ago
Michael · 774 weeks ago
I disagree on the pentax lineup. For most users the actual lineup would suffice.
One thing that really makes me wonder is service quality. Pentax reduced service in Europe and outsource most of it in Germany. Moreover the number of shops that actually sells Pentax off shelve (so you can go and test some lenses) is shrinking here in Germany. I'm not a big fan of buying lenses online as I had some bad experiences recently, involving intensive postal shipment. I hate it, when my travel lenses travel without me.
iko · 774 weeks ago
frank · 774 weeks ago
Another thing i found surprising as that several photographers who own either a Canon FF or Nikon FF have bought a kx just to travel with as they realized how cumbersome their big cameras are for just everyday use. I work at Disney World and I see these people come in with their full frame cameras and I can tell they aren't real having any fun as they are simply toting around this big machine. And they can forget about shooting with one hand.
Everyone thinks full frame is something special but for most things its not really needed. Heck i'm still using my ist D for street shooting and I am going to convert my ist DS to IR.
rush2112 · 774 weeks ago
tipentax · 774 weeks ago
R.E. · 774 weeks ago
Lots of ways to look at this.
One could say that they were falsely accused or mistaken for blind supporters. Which means those that accuse them are the blind ones...
For evidence I present that they switched thus were not single minded blind supporters of Pentax.
Much like you are confused for a blinded hater of Pentax.
I would have thought you wouldn't pass on the similar accusations of bias considering what you yourself get called.
Walter · 774 weeks ago
Whitewash · 774 weeks ago
Whitewash · 774 weeks ago
SpaceDoc · 772 weeks ago
And thanks Hoya for finally teaching Pentax how to do viral marketing!
Looking forward to Photokina!!!
Wch broker · 652 weeks ago
In the film days, new models came out infrequently! Maybe once every 4 or 5 years, now cameras seem to come out every 12to 18 months. That is sad, because it really takes time to learn the power of a camera model.
Maybe it's time for all of us to enjoy what we have and not get caught up in new product mania! Just go out and take pictures with your Pentax camera!!
Andrew Munster · 651 weeks ago
It has been proven that all the 16 mp sensor have better dynamic range then the 24 mp sensors. For some reason the latest crop of 24mp sensor have drop the dynamic range compared to their 16mp counterparts. the best sensor on the market is the D4s 16mp ff sensor. The best Aps c sensor is the one found in the k5 and k5 II, Nex 5n and D7000 stop the MP race it is a waist of time.