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frank · 707 weeks ago
Chris · 707 weeks ago
Turning this argument around, the efforts for smaller and smaller cameras will lead to lenses with higher f numbers, such as 5.6-8, and very high-sensititve but tiny sensors (such as the Q has). At the end of this development, cameras will lose the capability to creatively play with depth-of-field - so camera software will be used to simulate depth-of-field-effects ("software bokeh").
Exciting times in which we live. I don't know yet if I like it. So far, the creative digital filters in my K-5 have been rarely used but in those rare instances it was helpful and a lot of fun, so I don't want to miss that...
PS. Question to all the others here: I am thinking to buy a Q in place of a K converter, for the rare instances when I need something longer than my DA200mm (the longest lens I own). How much does a Q with K-adapter cost? And what is the equivalent focal length of the field of view that, say, a DA200mm lens will have with the Q?
RiceHigh 110p · 707 weeks ago
AlexS · 707 weeks ago
frank · 706 weeks ago
RiceHigh 110p · 706 weeks ago
AlexS · 706 weeks ago
Pwong · 707 weeks ago
Zebooka · 707 weeks ago
Pwong · 706 weeks ago
irukanji · 706 weeks ago
RiceHigh 110p · 706 weeks ago
Chris · 706 weeks ago
Still what I say above is right. 200mm f/2.8 has a front element of about 200/2.8 = 70mm. Now you can say you don't need f2.8, that's ok. But if you need 2.8, there are consequences that no ingenuity can take away.