Web Analytics RiceHigh's Pentax Blog: Sony has Responded Promptly to the 5N Video Clicking Issue

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Sony has Responded Promptly to the 5N Video Clicking Issue

Yes, "every camera has issues" but the more important thing is how the maker reacts with those reported issues for a new camera.

Well, Sony USA has responded to the clicking found sound when the NEX-5N is shaken during video recording. See what Sony Alpha NEX Blog reports.

This reminds me of how long it took for Pentax to respond for the first time about the K-5 sensor "stains" and "UFO" problem for the last time. Sony only took a few days to react and found a solution and commit for repair/upgrade and Pentax had only been able to provide a vague statement after a quarter or so, since it was first reported (and then complained endlessly by many new K-5 users thereafter)! :-o

So, the obvious difference is here and the marketing success or failure has already been defined, almost! I can bet if exactly the same 5N problem was happened to any Pentax camera, they would simply ignore it as it is somehow an "user error", frankly! ;-D How should the user shake the camera like that during video recording?!

Speaking back of Pentax and the K-5, when and how has the widely reported mirror jumping issue been responded by Pentax up till now? >:-[

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Could it be that Sony has more resources than Pentax? Is that remotely a possibility?
1 reply · active 704 weeks ago
Sony Has more resources than Pentax-- SO WHAT?--- They responded to a problem with their equipment and did not try to avoid it and hope the complaints (problems) would go away. It does not work that way. Good customer service wins out in the end, not sticking your head in the sand and avoiding it.
If you have a problem with your equipment it should be taken care of and resolved- even if the first step is owning up to the problem and stating that it will be looked into then fixed. I love my Pentax equipment but their Customer Services Dept. is non-existent. It's a shame. I buy equipment that will work for me not because it has a particular name on it.
Well done SONY. Sure SONY has a LOT more resources than Pentax, but that is NOT an excuse for P not to respond to issues such as SDM and low light focusing. Even if they are a mom and pop home brew workshop they should still stand behind their product instead of casting it aside pretending it's not there.

If they can't have the basic level of respond to customer feedback promptly, they shoudn't be in the business.

I fear this was partly of the HOYA shit corporate culture.
Sony has more resources? Pentax has less resources but Pentax also take our money for their cameras, doesn't it? Companies with less resources are exempt from their responbibilities and from consumer laws? And why does Pentax have less resources? It is because of poor business, i.e. poor sales of its cameras, and one very good reason for poor sales is its poor support, poor reputation, lack of consumer confidence after it continued to ignore problems that it should fix, and often not even bothering to acknowledge that such problems exist or taking forever to respond and to do something that can inspire some trust in consumers. The worst enemy of Pentax is Pentax itself. After years of such behaviour, is there any doubt why it is not profitable and therefore lacking in resources? Shutter blur, SDM motor failure, low light AF inaccuracy, ... ... Why should people trust and buy Pentax products again?
11 replies · active 703 weeks ago
People like me will trust and buy Pentax products again because they NEVER had ANY problem with it.
Michael A.'s avatar

Michael A. · 704 weeks ago

Second that, Chris. Don't have any problem with 47 Pentax' tools (bodies,lenses and some). The size, price & performance is perfect for me, partners & many friends. Didn't like enough the competing options, case closed.... However, name of my underwater fun is Pana DMC-TS3 though...what has a good quick video as well...
Chris, what is the logic of "since none of my equipment has had any failures it must be fine for everyone else too."

I have also not had any Pentax (or Sony, for that matter) quality issues until this year, where 2 DA* 60-250 failed on me consecutively (one is supposed to be the replacement for the other, the irony). And noticed K-5 low light focusing issues.

Now issues are still issues, the SDM problem is well documented and can easily be classified as a design fault. most SDM users don't even care f they loose the SDM drive and would be happy is Pentax provided a firmware patch to use the lens as in-body drive type.

Of course those all fell on deaf ears.
What is the point of criticising owners happy with Pentax? What have they done wrong?
You gotta be joking, WHO THE *F* is critising owners happy with Pentax? The original blog entry here is saying Sony has responded promptly to an issue and expressing dissapointment at Pentax's handling of quality issues.

I merely point out Chris's express of his satisfaction with his equipment is irrelevent to the topic.

Don't be such a cry baby.
Read the response by Chris and Michael about whether they would buy Pentax based on their own experience. You can read your own response to them, can't you?
Don't be so aggressive, baby.
Well my comment was meant to be of relevance.

My point is, if you are having problems with your equipment and the manufacturer does not treat you satisfactorily, then by all means, say it and switch brands if you like. But keep in mind, your personal statistics is low, so any generalized statement about bad service at Pentax vs. good service somewhere else is not well founded.

There are people out there like me that NEVER had ANYTHING to complain about. I don't know how many guys like me exist, but I guess there must be a few since Pentax has survived some decades.

Guys, face it, Pentax is a small company compared to Canon, Olympus, Sony etc. So you've got to EXPECT they are forced to approach communication, servicing, etc. in a different way than the big competitors. I, for one, have no problem with that, BECAUSE the product quality out of the box is so fantastic (in my experience), I have never needed anything else.


PS. One more comment about "low light AF". I remember with the K-7 Pentax was grilled by some forum members for bad high-ISO performance. Now that the K-5 is best in class in high ISO, someone had to find yet another hair in the soup. What's wrong with you guys? I had to shoot recently in low light, I tuned white balance to tungsten and AF worked fine. Then I wanted to avoid ANY AF sound, so I used MF instead. Learn how to use your camera and don't expect great results with zero effort!
Indeed until the first faulty product hit you...
Now, the SDM and low light focusing problems are well documented (as by falconeye on DPR, who did some very thorough test), and more than the random product failure sample rate.
So as you suggested, people with faulty product should just switch brand (some do I'm sure), but is that the right way to run a good business? Corporations with that kind of company ethos don't tend to be favoured by consumers.
According to you, because they are small, they should just ignor the users with faulty products.. sounds more like a dodgy car sales man than an internationl company to me.

P.S> Exactly because you have never had faulty product from them, your opinion carrys less weight than those who are affected by the fault and who request a prompt response.
I understand you are saying the following:

1. Pentax' service sucks. That is necessarily a country-specific statement (due to the organization of Pentax service), so it may be right for you and wrong for me. Also, you do not tolerate suboptimal service from a small company. Ok, I do not disagree with you here, but give Pentax a break: due to limited resources, they are simply unable to deliver service on the same level as the big shots.

2. You say that Pentax products are faulty out-of-the-box. I disagree with you not on the statement itself, but on singling out Pentax in your statement. Unfortunately, this statement is true with other manufacturers as well. The market rewards the manufacturer that deliver quickly new products, even if they have their (little) flaws.

3. You say something about company ethos within Pentax. How on earth do you know anything about that? AFAIK, company ethos with Pentax is good, at least that is what I conclude from my discussions with a regional sales manager here in Germany.
Right on, Ying.

Funny, isn't it that every time something bad was said about Pentax, in this blog here or on other forums, some of these die hard defenders have to come out and declare that they never had any issues with their cameras, whether their comments have much relevance to the topic or not. It seems they feel obliged to help salvage the reputation of Pentax, when the topic is about something else, e.g. in this case, about the fact that some other makers are much quicker in response, in acknowledging problems reported and getting a fix. What these defenders say did not change that fact or add anything to it. It is clear they just want to do damage control work, while other visitors are trying to raise an issue, find out problem fixes, etc. and had to keep weeding through these defending posts.
2 replies · active 703 weeks ago
Well Mage, I see your point, and sorry if my postings seem to you unrelated.

Fact is, this forum has turned me into a die-hard defender simply because there are a few die-hard aggressors in my view. I do not see how, e.g., Ying is "trying to raise an issue, find out problem fixes, etc.".

I believe that ALL major camera manufacturers nowadays produce extremely good cameras. Whether you prefer this or that brand is more a question of taste.

In the end, choose the product you are happy with, and be happy! At least that is what I do. And yes, I prefer Pentax because I am fascinated by the small size of the Limited primes and ergonomy of the K-5 system, the excellent AWB and color reproduction, the host of settings and possibilities, etc.

Heck, Pentax is the ONLY manufacturer today that offers true in-camera HDR, astrotracing, weather-sealing and some other features in a moderately priced DSLR! Isn't that something to appreciate?
Michael A.'s avatar

Michael A. · 703 weeks ago

No need to worry about other P satisfied users. Not everyone wants to drive a "black car with CaNiSo" logo. Enjoy whatever you have.. Would it be more logical to criticize a gear what doesn't let you down, just to please a few unhappy?

Experience sums up: some have problems with their gear, some don't and on occasion, user's handling error happen as well... In one word, LIFE...
My Nikon D5000 has worse colour reproduction than my D40 in spite of the fluff about ADR. Glad I kept the D40. Is that a fault? BTW Mage, if someone has a positive experience with a product they should not report it? Interesting philosophy.
1 reply · active 703 weeks ago
The D40 is the best Nikon DSLR I have ever used in term of more natural colour rendition and directly usable in-camera JPEGs!
Well said RiceHigh. i like Nikon for its ease of use but always find Pentax has better skin tones. The D40, on custom setting, mode IIIa and saturation reduced, comes close. The reason I keep and use my K100D and KX.
1 reply · active 703 weeks ago
I prefer Pentax much for the ease of operation and user-friendliness far over Nikon!

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