URL: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IOKDIHXokDA&feature=player_profilepage
The above seems to be a TV ad as there is also a 15-second trimmed version of it.
Next, also the new posters:-

Via http://nedbunnell.posterous.com/q-print-ad-for-us-market
Btw, I think the Q posters by Pentax Imaging are just too technical orientated. IMHO, the Pentax US guys should actually soft-sell the Q, e.g., emphasizing leisure and life style so as to target the Q to ladies and youngsters, instead of aiming at men again! Frankly, the Q could never be a strong camera technically. So, trying to emphasizing that it is evolved from DSLRs is indeed rather misleading and that would be flawed, frankly! The gear-heads will never be satisfied, even for the current Pentax DSLRs! How would/could the Q replace the DSLRs after all? (But they say, "Capture More, Carry Less"!)
P.S. I think Ned and his guys should thank me for freely advertising the Q and help them to promote for free in their latest marketing campaign! ;-D
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frank · 705 weeks ago
The Print ads are nice too not cluttered and informative yet now intrusive. I think this is nice marketing
RiceHigh 110p · 705 weeks ago
Raist3d · 705 weeks ago
And personally I think you are wrong, the first poster is quite simple and to the point.
RiceHigh 110p · 705 weeks ago
But wait, if they have done so well and you have been so right, why didn't they have become the market No.1 already and for long?!
triplight · 705 weeks ago
Of course, what they really should have done was tried to hire Scarlett Johansson to sell it...
Raist3d · 705 weeks ago
Then you follow up with a complete logical fallacy- what they did in the past is irrelevant. You would have to establish that the marketing style is the same, nor did I make any claims that their marketing in the past was right or not (that takes care of "… and you have been so right… ").
My point is, you are going full steam ahead with an opinion, where you predict how people will react in the USA without any knowledge if the marketing agency Pentax hired has done a focus group research regarding the ads. I would have said this of *any brand* that was in the same situation (so much for your "everything that Pentax do is right" comment.)
Looking at the two pages there, I think they are pretty appealing to both. I don't think they go into the tech side as much as you suggest. I think they pretty much explain in relation to a DSLR what the camera they think can do (or try to convince can do).
But hey, I certainly could be wrong.