Reports from K-7 users about sensor stains with photos clearly showing those are posted. And yes, the symptom is exactly the same as the previous K-5's.So, it is almost safe to conclude that it's Pentax' AA filter that causes the problem!

(Source Thread:
After all, the AA filter simply would change in state over time and it is generally guessed that the larger amount of heat from the sensor unit melts the AA filter and thus causing the visible stains. That could explain why the less-hot Pentax models like K-r, K-x and K-m have never had that problem reported. But, at the end of the day, the BIG question is that: Will the next Pentax Flagship have the same persistent problem? Or, will Pentax simply NOT install any AA filter like what they have already done to the Q? That would be the safest "solution" to the issue? Right? ;-)
Raist3d · 706 weeks ago
From your original link to these news, there's nothing suggesting this is happening over time. In fact, the quote had to do more to the fact the K-7 had that problem at some point, not now.
RiceHigh 110p · 706 weeks ago
Raist3d · 706 weeks ago
See what I mean? You don't look objective when doing this, you look like you want a sensationalist headline. If you mean well, please think this through.
Raist3d · 706 weeks ago
RiceHigh 110p · 706 weeks ago
Raist3d · 706 weeks ago
That Pentax doesn't have a clear explanation doesn't make much sense given what you posted- first because you decided to make something up- completely- in the name of what seems apparent now to be just being sensationalistic- not truthful- but tabloid sensationalistic.
If you really mean to help at least you could have stuck up front to the point that they have not explained it - as you say. Though they did say it was a manufacturing problem- which quite frankly given the limited runs it happened on, and what I know about manufacture and engineering, seems quite reasonable. Whether on Sony's side or Pentax side both are possible. It's not like Sony hasn't had problems with sensors on their own before (remember all those P&S sensors that were dying from different brand not so long ago? That was all Sony).
But instead of considering those very valid possibilities you opted for making shit up. "Oh yeah, maybe they age and die over time, over heat. That's why the others didn't have it". That's complete made up bull shit.
Again, if you mean well, think this through.
Rasit3d · 706 weeks ago
Pentax said it was a manufacturing issue. Instead of going with a most likely explanation you decided to make things up! It could be on Sony's or Pentax's side. After all, it's not like Sony hasn't had issues before with their sensors (remember the relatively recent P&S sensor recall they did as sensors were dying).
Raist3d · 706 weeks ago
RiceHigh 110p · 706 weeks ago
The issue may have been cured, or not, as Pentax has never told us something, unlike Canon, they published a paper on explaining the technical cause of the issue and how they would cure it.
AlexS · 706 weeks ago
Pentax said: "All users of these defective products will receive free repair at our service center." - and I'm *quoting* them.
Canon didn't do any better, FYI - I bet that paper is on a different subject, or it doesn't exist at all.
Raist3d · 706 weeks ago
Here's Pentax full statement where they apologized, mentioned they believe is due to a manufacturing problem, mention that it is only the first shipment of K-5's and mention they will repair any camera with this issue- not just by warranty coverage.
RiceHigh 110p · 706 weeks ago
Please do not use similar offensive words for our discussions, it won't help anything and this is not welcome, certainly.
Raist3d · 706 weeks ago
And don't get me wrong, my point is not to cover it all in rose colored glasses. I welcome objective critique. That means the good and the bad. Not made up sensationalist interpretations.
RiceHigh 110p · 706 weeks ago
Raist3d · 706 weeks ago
I back up what I am saying, you don't.