New Q ISO test:-
By Devorama, on the same target and under the same lighting condition as the previous ISO tests of his on the K-r, K-x and the K-m. And yes, this guy seems to be a die-hard Pentax supporter, he bought every Pentax new (entry) model at the very first time (and actually I also bought the K-r, K-x and K-m, but not (yet?) the Q).
Below are my previous reports on his other ISO tests, you can open other samples of the other Pentax DSLR bodies to compare and measurable endlessly:-
Nevertheless, do note about the brief remark on the DR and exposure accuracy/latitude of the Q by the tester, quoted:-
"Some JPGs show highlight clipping even though the camera did not indicate this would happen. Perhapds the RAW file would not have clipped."
It seems that that highlight clipping problem, which is common for those small sensor DCs, also occurs for the Q.
Besides, speaking of the Q first test, Ned Bunnell, the Pentax USA President, has posted his first impressions and several lots of sample pictures at his now not-so-regularly updated blog, see:-
Take a look, the samples are not bad, but as Ned has honestly remarked, he is biased and has a stance (obviously). But actually I believe that he knows well how to use gear, and get most out of it. And he is humble enough not to tell the world about his talent of this! :-)
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Saturday, September 10, 2011
ISO Measurbation: Q Vs K-r Vs K-x Vs K-m (Full Size Originals)
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ISO Measurbation: Q Vs K-r Vs K-x Vs K-m (Full Size Originals)
Exposure Accuracy|ILDCs|Image Quality|Issues|K-m|K-r|K-x|Lenses|News|Pentax|People|Q System|Reviews|Samples|Sensors|
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Raist3d. · 706 weeks ago
As for the highlight clipping- yes, I have corroborated the RAW file does in effect have more DR that can be mined. I also read the Q manual that is available now and found the Q just like the K-5 has a highlight priority mode. This would expose more shadow noise though, but at least it would recover at least 1/2 a stop to a full stop more highlights.
As much as his rainbow flower looks pretty decent I found his test flawed- look at the shutter speeds of the higher ISO's and they are just too fast. That's not exactly low light. A real high ISO test would be say, ISO 3200, F2.8 at 1/30th-1/60th. Now that's a tough lower light situation.
Near all cameras I have used when shot in good light, even at high ISO they do better than they normally would in situations typical of wanting to use that high ISO- like say a party at home at night under moderate light with lamps, etc. I would love if he could repeat the test under lower light.
Art · 706 weeks ago
Which year entry-level DSLR? Nikon D3100 is entry level but it's IQ, especially high ISO, is very good.
IQ actually is not different between an entry level-DSLR and semi-pro one. Usually build quality and features are different.
Raist3d · 706 weeks ago
raist3d · 706 weeks ago
Matt · 706 weeks ago
Matt · 706 weeks ago
There's no way the Q could be like an entry level DSLR or anything with an APSC sensor unless you are comparing with older models with old sensor technology. Your suggestion is flawed. Have a look at the quality of shots made with the Sony Nex 5N. That should be a good indication of what new entry level DSLRs will have very soon.
Raist3d · 706 weeks ago
devorama · 704 weeks ago
RiceHigh 110p · 704 weeks ago
Btw, your this set of test pictures are already good enough, even that they are inspected on their own per camera set.
Good job, guy! See u~